Empowering you to make wise decisions about your own health, by providing you with essential health information about both medical and alternative treatment opt...
Show 1416: Exposing Fraud and Arrogance in Alzheimer’s Research
This week, we explore the evidence that some respected researchers in the field of Alzheimer’s disease took shortcut or even manipulated their data to get the results they wanted. How did our guests detect fraud and arrogance in this research? You could listen through your local public radio station or get the live stream at […]
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Show 1415: Can Home Remedies Help Overcome Cold Symptoms?
This week, Joe & Terry invite listeners to share their favorite home remedies for colds. No one expects a remedy to shorten the duration of a cold–although perhaps one or two could! But many may help people feel better for a few hours if they alleviate symptoms. You can call in your suggestions to 888-472-3366 […]
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Show 1414: Finding Your Exercise Prescription for Life
This week, two distinguished exercise physiologists tell us why we each need an exercise prescription for life. Dr. Benjamin Levine has worked with the Dallas Bed Rest and Training Study to discover that three weeks of bed rest hurt fitness more than 30 years of normal life. Dr. Claudio Battaglini provides exercise prescriptions for cancer […]
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Show 1413: Stopping Strokes: How to Reduce Your Risk of a Brain Attack
This week, we hear a first-hand account of what a stroke feels like, from neuroanatomist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. Then we learn from a neurologist, Dr. Matthew Schrag, about the risk factors for such a brain attack. What treatments could be helpful? You could listen through your local public radio station or get the live […]
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Show 1369: What to Do If You Catch the Flu (Archive)
This week, we hear from pulmonologist Roger Seheult, MD, about ways we can strengthen our immune responses to respiratory infections. Seasonal influenza activity is high and still rising in most parts of the country. In addition, wastewater surveillance shows that COVID-19 cases are on the rise. Cold viruses are also circulating. Find out what strategies […]
Empowering you to make wise decisions about your own health, by providing you with essential health information about both medical and alternative treatment options. 921997
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