Dr. Christine Horner's Fight for Breast Reconstruction Rights
Dr. Christine Horner's relentless advocacy for women's rights in healthcare has fundamentally transformed the landscape of breast reconstruction following mastectomy in the United States. Until the late 1990s, many insurance companies denied coverage for such essential procedures, leaving countless women to bear the financial burden or suffer the psychological scars of radical surgery. Dr. Horner's pivotal role in championing legislation culminated in the passage of the Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998, a landmark federal law mandating insurance coverage for breast reconstruction across all states. Her five-year crusade not only resulted in laws enacted in thirty-five states but also underscored the critical need for equitable healthcare for women battling breast cancer. In this episode, Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro delve into Dr. Horner's extraordinary journey, her insights into breast cancer prevention through natural medicine and thermography, and her commitment to empowering women through education and advocacy. https://medthermsc.com/https://women-road-warriors.captivate.fmhttps://womenroadwarriors.com/ https://womenspowernetwork.netwomen empowerment, breast cancer awareness, breast reconstruction, women's health advocacy, Dr. Christine Horner, Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act, thermal imaging technology, holistic health approaches, Ayurvedic medicine, prevention of breast cancer, nutrition and breast health, stress reduction techniques, women's health education, alternative medicine, health and wellness podcasts, women's support systems, empowering women in healthcare, chronic disease prevention, natural health solutions, Women Road Warriors, Shelley M. Johnson, Shelley Johnson, Kathy Tuccaro