The Latter Day Struggles Podcast addresses beliefs and issues within the LDS faith that are challenging to talk about but vital to discuss for those trying to n...
Send us a Positive Review!Series Title: Valerie & Nathan Hamaker Forced Resignation from the LDS Church [Part I of III] Please join Valerie & Nathan in this tough 3-part conversation sharing the events that led to what felt to them like their forced resignation from LDS Church this past week. In today’s episode Val and Nathan walk through a timeline of a lot of painful experiences in the past eighteen months with multiple well-meaning local priesthood leaders who ultimately could not overcome their fear of the healing work happening on the LDS Church on the Latter Day Struggles platform. The episode ends with several truly beautiful testimonials sent to us by many of you, which were sent to all of these priesthood leaders, detailing the impact of our ministry—to no avail. COMING UP...PART II - Friday 3/21 episode: Special full-content listener Q&A episode answering your questions asked on Instagram stories today. PART III - Monday 3/24/25: Second half of Val and Nathan’s experiences, on their decision to resign, and their thoughts love, forgiveness, and moving forward with you. *** Please SHARE these episodes. Val and Nathan want the narrative around their need to formally resign from the LDS church to be understood firsthand. And thank you for your love & support friends. It means everything. We can proceed showing a different and better way. Love over fear. WE HAVE NO REGRETS “[They] drew a circle that shut me out, heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But LOVE and I had the wit to win: I drew a circle that took [them back] in." -Edwin Markham Support the showWant to support Valerie & Nathan?Share this episode Become a Monday & Friday Listener: Limited-time Sale on Annual Subscription $69: Monthly Subscription: $9.99 Make a donation: Venmo or Patreon Join a group: Visit our website:
312: Why Gender-based Wounds Can Only be Healed in Mixed-Gender Communities
Send us a Positive Review!Series Title: Community Healing: How our Greatest Wounds & our Greatest Healing Happens through Human Relationship [Part VIII of VIII]Join Valerie in the final episode of a series exploring the beauty of community healing in the context of an LDS faith crisis. In this episode you will meet two current members of Valerie's brand new advanced content group, processing the impact of growing up in a patriarchal world and church. This group dives deeply into how each and every one of us has been deeply impacted by the "Christianization of Patriarchy," and how awareness of our roots brings about healing and wholeness. Valerie made a point to invite both a woman and a man from the new group to join her in this episode, where they could not only share their own personal journeys of awakening but also reflect on what it was like to witness someone of the opposite gender go through their own process of learning and growth. Support the showWant to support Valerie & Nathan?Share this episode Become a Monday & Friday Listener: Limited-time Sale on Annual Subscription $69: Monthly Subscription: $9.99 Make a donation: Venmo or Patreon Join a group: Visit our website:
311: By the Mouths of Four Witnesses: Community Healing in LDS Faith Crisis
Send us a Positive Review!Series Title: Community Healing: How our Greatest Wounds & our Greatest Healing Happens through Human Relationship [Part VII of VIII]Join Valerie and four amazing guests who get really brave speaking about their LDS faith journey as they become acquainted with the concept of true community. In this episode Val invites two women and two men to talk about the fear of joining a healing group, especially in light of negative experiences, too common in their lives, when they shared what they were experiencing in church, or with some of their immediate and extended families.Too often, their faith journeys made loved ones uncomfortable, sometimes even bringing up anger, guilt, or shame.Listen as they share how healing it is to know that they "belong" simply because they are children of God on a quest for personal growth. In the Latter Day Struggles growth and processing groups, people learn that you do not have to believe a certain way to be loved, seen, and accepted. Revolutionary, right?Support the showWant to support Valerie & Nathan?Share this episode Become a Monday & Friday Listener: Limited-time Sale on Annual Subscription $69: Monthly Subscription: $9.99 Make a donation: Venmo or Patreon Join a group: Visit our website:
310: A "Masculine" Man's True Self Journey Home to His Healthy Feminine
Send us a Positive Review!Series Title: Community Healing: How our Greatest Wounds & our Greatest Healing Happens through Human Relationship [Part VI of VIII]In this Friday episode you will meet Leo, another fellow listener to the Latter Day Struggles podcast and an ongoing participant in Valerie's healing communities. Leo and Val talk about Leo's true self journey and how he has realized his estrangement from his true self and how that was closely connected to burying multiple aspects of himself due to the demands of patriarchy. Leo shares his confusion at the concept of true self and how he eventually realized that reclaiming this part of himself was the key to all healing in every area of his life. Listen in and see if this resonates with you if you are a man socialized out of your wholeness by patriarchy...or if you are a woman who knows and loves a man who might resonate with Leo's very relatable experience. Support the showWant to support Valerie & Nathan?Share this episode Become a Monday & Friday Listener: Limited-time Sale on Annual Subscription $69: Monthly Subscription: $9.99 Make a donation: Venmo or Patreon Join a group: Visit our website:
309: Love of Others Begins with Finding Unshakable Goodness Within
Send us a Positive Review!Community Healing: How our Greatest Wounds & our Greatest Healing Happens through Human Relationship [Part V of VIII]In this beautiful episode I welcome Devin (another graduate of my faith expansion growth and processing group) who was willing to share his experiences coming into deep connection with his true self as the most fundamental part of his faith journey. In this episode Devin and I talk about his wrestle with feeling "good enough" to even imagine a self that is infinitely good, loveable, and enough--mainly due to harmful early messaging and experiences connected to sin and worthiness. In Devin's journey he was able to slowly unlearn old and harmful ideas with the love and support of group members and supportive loved ones and finally embrace his true identity--which has carried him deeper into further growth, healing, and not only acceptance of himself, but a deeper commitment to seeing others outside of any kind of power hierarchy. Support the showWant to support Valerie & Nathan?Share this episode Become a Monday & Friday Listener: Limited-time Sale on Annual Subscription $69: Monthly Subscription: $9.99 Make a donation: Venmo or Patreon Join a group: Visit our website:
The Latter Day Struggles Podcast addresses beliefs and issues within the LDS faith that are challenging to talk about but vital to discuss for those trying to navigate their relationship in or around the church. Valerie and her guests invite psychological maturity, theological health, and institutional integrity.