Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast
Dr. Eric Berg
Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermitte...
Have you tried countless topical acne remedies that haven’t seemed to work? In this video, I’m going to show you how to get rid of acne fast, naturally! Find out how to get rid of acne overnight in this video. DATA:https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles... Today, I’m going to share one of the best acne remedies to help get rid of acne naturally and effectively. I discovered 4 patents that involved sulfur for acne, and I noticed countless sulfur creams on the market. So, what’s the deal with sulfur for acne?Many people with acne are deficient in sulfur. Sulfur can help with acne removal because of the following benefits•Decreases inflammation •Increases hydration of the skin•Increases collagen•Helps regulate androgens •Helps regulate insulinGrains, sugar, seed oils, fructose, and alcohol can deplete sulfur. You get small amounts of sulfur from plants like garlic, onion, and cruciferous vegetables, but most of your sulfur comes from protein. Methionine and cysteine are the 2 amino acids that provide you with the most sulfur. After calcium and phosphorus, sulfur is the most abundant mineral in the body, so you need a lot of it!To increase sulfur and get rid of acne, consume the following foods:1. Eggs2. Fish3. Beef4. Lamb5. Cheese6. Organ meatsYou must also avoid sugar and starch, which will block the absorption of methionine and cysteine and decrease sulfur.Try increasing your intake of high-quality animal-based protein to get rid of acne fast. Let me know how it works!
Why Are We POISONING Our Children???
Hilary Boynton is the founder of the organization School of Lunch. She has developed a training program to teach schools around the country how to create healthy, nourishing meals for our children. Hilary’s family health journey led her to develop School of Lunch. Hilary is a mother of 5 who’s dealt with infertility, eczema, epilepsy, speech delays, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. Hilary’s family moved to California during her husband’s battle against cancer. There, she teamed up with a local school and began working on their lunch program. She started as the snack coordinator, then became the consultant to the lunch lady, and was finally given the keys to the kitchen. Inspired by Dr. Weston A. Price's works, Hilary began exploring the importance of traditional, ancestral foods and our health. She familiarized herself with the gut-brain and gut-body connection. After implementing these dietary changes, kids no longer felt the ups and downs of their energy and mood throughout the school day. Kids and their teachers, who followed the same diet, were satiated and energized throughout the day. These benefits trickled into the children’s home lives, encouraging parents to join in after seeing the visible improvements.Hilary realized that more schools needed this information. Improving their food could greatly benefit schools, hospitals, churches, community centers, and more. If you’re able, please donate to Hilary’s amazing cause! Doctors do not factor in food when treating chronic illnesses caused by an ultra-processed diet. Hilary’s program aims to turn this vicious cycle around not by simply changing the diet but by empowering children to understand the power of food. DONATE HERE: https://www.gofundme.com/f/p2h7j3-plate-it-forwardCheck out their website here: https://www.schooloflunch.com/
The 1 Vitamin That REVERSES Nerve Damage (And Nobody Talks About It)
Viruses can hide in the ganglia (a nerve cell cluster) and turn off autophagy, a state in which the body recycles damaged proteins. Here, the viruses can lie dormant until stress levels rise, which increases cortisol and weakens the immune system.Emotional stress can significantly weaken the immune system. This is why many dormant viruses come out of remission after a stressful event, such as losing a loved one.The herpes and shingles viruses are often seen after a significant stressor. These viruses need the amino acid arginine to survive. Lysine can block arginine and stop the reproduction of these viruses. You need at least 1000 to 3000 mg of lysine to block arginine. Sciatica typically stems from a disc problem. Copper deficiency is at the root of many disc problems, so it can be an excellent solution for sciatica. A copper supplement or copper cream can help reduce sciatica pain.
BETTER Than Ozempic! Lose Belly Fat Faster
Find out how to lose visceral fat by avoiding the 6 foods that prevent belly fat loss. In this video, I’m going to tell you what NOT to eat to lose belly fat. Avoid these foods if you want a flat stomach!Visceral fat surrounds the organs and keeps your body in a state of inflammation, preventing fat loss. Avoid these 6 foods that prevent fat loss. 1. Low-fat yogurtLow-fat yogurt is typically high in sugar and often contains industrial food starches like modified food starch, modified corn starch, or maltodextrin. Starch is not sweet, so people consume much more than sugar. It’s higher on the glycemic index than sugar and is used to add bulk to a product. 2. Processed meat Hot dogs contain industrial sugars such as corn syrup that will spike blood sugar. Adding sugar to meat creates advanced glycated proteins. Organic grass-fed beef hot dogs are a good option!3. Atkins products These products are marketed as low-carb and keto-friendly but contain very low-quality ingredients such as soy protein isolates, seed oils, GMOs, and synthetic fibers. These can cause bloating and diarrhea and also prevent fat loss.5. Juice Many products marketed as “juice” often only contain minimal amounts of fruit juice and have high amounts of sweeteners, such as high-fructose corn syrup. Juice from concentrate is devoid of nutrients. Fructose found in fruit juice can only be broken down by the liver, which can contribute more to a fatty liver than glucose. 6. Agave nectar This sweetener seems healthy but is very high in fructose, which is hard on the liver. Coconut sugar and honey are better options but should be avoided when focusing on fat loss. 7. MayonnaiseProcessed mayo is mainly composed of soy oil. This type of fat is stored in the fat cells and isn’t burned by the body as quickly as saturated fat. Seed oils like soy oil may be at the root of chronic disease.
DON'T GET SURGERY Unless You Do This First
Surgeries come with risks, which include death. Surgery can significantly lower your vitamin D, so if you have surgery and you’re deficient, you could be putting yourself at risk.If you’re low in vitamin D, your blood pressure can go up. Vitamin D is one of the best remedies for high blood pressure because it increases nitric oxide, which helps vasodilation in the arteries. Vitamin D supports your immune system, helps prevent infection, and reduces inflammation. It also helps reduce cardiovascular complications after surgery. Some people take 100,000 to 300,000 IU of vitamin D before surgery!If you don’t have enough vitamin D, your muscles can weaken, which increases your risk of falling after surgery. Post-operative inflammatory indicators increase by 200% if you’re low in vitamin D.Vitamin D can increase antimicrobial peptides by 4000%! This compound helps your immune system kill microbes and dramatically reduces the risk of postoperative infection.Sufficient vitamin D cuts the risk of surgical complications in half. One study found that half of atrial fibrillation was reduced with enough vitamin D. Vitamin D is especially important for open-heart surgery, thyroid removal, and cancer removal.Surgery puts significant stress on your adrenal glands. If you’re low in vitamin D, cortisol can spike 4x after surgery, slowing healing and increasing inflammation. If you’re low in vitamin D, you’re 8 times more likely to have cognitive dysfunction after surgery. Vitamin D can reduce the risk of rejection during an organ transplant and is associated with fewer complications with ventilators after surgery.If you take vitamin D before surgery, you can expect shorter hospital stays and faster healing rates. If you only take high doses of vitamin D for 3 days before surgery, you don’t need to worry about any toxic effects.
About Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast
Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss, and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of a best-selling book on amazon.com, The New Body Type Guide. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics. Dr. Berg’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels have close to 6 million followers worldwide and have generated over 1 billion views.
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