Sex podcast to help committed couples keep it hot! Find hope to keep your marriage and committed relationships emotionally connected and sexually erotic. Certif...
Dr. Adam and Laurie discuss the complicated relationship between sex and depression in both men and women. They discuss symptoms and how to stay connected when your relationship is impacted by this all too common mental health issue.
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484: Let's Get Kinky
Is your sex life a little too vanilla? Maybe you want to try something new but want just the right amount of spice? Grab your lover and join us for today's episode as we discuss how to get comfortable with getting more kinky. Inspired by an article in Glamour Magazine, hosts Laurie and George share ideas to get things heated up. Laurie calls the list 'kink light' but it's sure to help you take things up a notch. Remember here, consensual is key! Both partners need to communicate and have safety to be able to take more sexual risks. Suggestive texts, dirty talk, sexy outfits or none at all, using a mirror, switching normal roles, teasing. Hooked yet? Hop on over to our instagram @foreplay_sextherapy and let us know what you would add to the list. Keep it kinky, y'all!
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Foreplay Replay - 140: Contempt 911
Contempt, one of the most dangerous emotions in a relationship. This episode covers the markers of contemptuous behavior and why it's so destructive to a marriage. Laurie and Dr. Adam offer advice on recognizing this powerful emotion and how to bring the humanity back into your relationship.
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483: How to Overcome Neglect
We are all deserving of touch. It awakens the senses, provides comfort, reassurance and then as adults pleasure. In today's episode, our hosts open up a conversation about your relationship with touch. Did you grow up in a household where physical affection was withheld, conditional, unsafe or just not available? If so, you may be suffering from touch neglect. This can show up in the sexual cycle as anxiety, discomfort or full on avoidance at even the thought of touch. This episode will help you understand the power or touch, how neglect shows up in adult relationships and how to begin a safe conversation with your partner describing your needs. And yes, we ALL have needs related to touch! The great news also, is that with safety, and vulnerability these needs can be expressed in your adult relationships and you can begin to feel more comfort around touch and go from neglected needs to needs met. You deserve it!
Please support this episode's sponsor (and help the pod!): -- the only FDA-approved treatment for certain women with low libido!
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Foreplay Replay - 383: If Your Genitals Could Talk
In this episode, Laurie and George discuss insights from Daniel Watter’s book, The Existential Importance of the Penis: A Guide to Understanding Male Sexuality. They explore sexual disorders like low desire, erectile dysfunction, and vaginismus—not just as issues but as signals from our bodies about anxiety, relationship challenges, or life transitions, like becoming parents. Enjoy this thought-provoking episode!
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Sex podcast to help committed couples keep it hot! Find hope to keep your marriage and committed relationships emotionally connected and sexually erotic. Certified sex therapist Dr. Laurie Watson is joined by global leader in couples therapy - George Faller, LMFT for an expert, frank and fascinating conversation about sex, love, therapy, relationship dynamics, healthy couples and marriage. We discuss everything from best sexual techniques and solving sexual problems, to building the emotional intimacy necessary for great sex in your relationship! Two therapists bring you sound, concrete tools to reframe your relationship problems and learn how to fall in-love again, rebuild trust, and feel desire. Subscribe to us today!
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Foria Wellness -- try their excellent sex oils! Their Awaken Arousal and Sex Oil are excellent for enhancing a woman's orgasm! Try it and see! Use the link Foria or use the code 'foreplay' and get 20% off your order!
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