Join us each Wednesday as we walk through a new Bible story that will help kids see the biggest story of redemption and ultimately what - better yet, Who! - the...
Everyone Leaves Jesus: The Story of Jesus' Betrayal
In this story, we learn that Jesus was betrayed and denied by his friends and handed over to his enemies.
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A Meal for the Ages: The Story of the Last Supper
In this story, we learn that every time we take the bread and cup of the Lord’s Supper, we celebrate that Jesus died for our sins.
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A Woman to Be Remembered: The Story of Mary Washing Jesus' Feet
In this story, we learn that we cannot love Jesus too much.
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Jesus Cleans House: The Story of Turning Tables in the Temple
In this story, we learn that Jesus wants faithful and fruitful followers.
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The King Comes: The Story of Palm Sunday
In this story, we learn that Jesus is the King of kings—but not the king God’s people expected.
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Join us each Wednesday as we walk through a new Bible story that will help kids see the biggest story of redemption and ultimately what - better yet, Who! - the Bible is all about: Jesus! Hear a dramatic retelling of these biblical stories by Mike Reeves along with a weekly memory verse and engaging teaching of how each story connects to the gospel.