Want to know exactly what is going on with your baby and your body this week? Whether you are in week 6 or week 36 of pregnancy, this show will give you just t...
Welcome to the 40 Weeks Pregnancy Podcast! Find out how your baby is growing each week and learn what is happening in your body. Plus, get a heads up on what to expect at your prenatal appointments and a tip for dads and partners. Â Get each week delivered to your inbox according to your due date. Â For more evidence-based information, visit the Pregnancy Podcast website. Â Join Pregnancy Podcast Premium to access the private podcast feed (in your favorite podcast app) with every episode ad-free. Exclusive access to all episodes, articles, and resources on the website. Plus, a digital copy of the Your Birth Plan book. Your step-by-step guide to creating the birth experience you want. Including sample plans and a master template you can customize.
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Weeks 1-2 Preconception
Welcome to weeks 1-2 of your pregnancy. Find out how your baby is growing this week and learn what is happening in your body. Plus, get a heads up on what to expect at your prenatal appointments and a tip for dads and partners.  Read the transcript, and access the additional resources for weeks 1-2.  Get each week delivered to your inbox according to your due date.  For more evidence-based information, visit the Pregnancy Podcast website.  Join Pregnancy Podcast Premium to access the private podcast feed (in your favorite podcast app) with every episode ad-free. Exclusive access to all episodes, articles, and resources on the website. Plus, a digital copy of the Your Birth Plan book. Your step-by-step guide to creating the birth experience you want. Including sample plans and a master template you can customize.
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Week 3 Fertilization
Welcome to week 3 of your pregnancy. This is the week of ovulation and fertilization. Find out how your baby is growing this week and learn what is happening in your body. Plus, get a heads up on what to expect at your prenatal appointments and a tip for dads and partners.  See a picture of what your baby looks like this week, read the transcript, and access the additional resources for week 3.  Get each week delivered to your inbox according to your due date.  For more evidence-based information, visit the Pregnancy Podcast website.  Join Pregnancy Podcast Premium to access the private podcast feed (in your favorite podcast app) with every episode ad-free. Exclusive access to all episodes, articles, and resources on the website. Plus, a digital copy of the Your Birth Plan book. Your step-by-step guide to creating the birth experience you want. Including sample plans and a master template you can customize.
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Week 4 The Pregnancy Hormone (hCG)
Welcome to week 4 of your pregnancy. 36 weeks to go! Find out how your baby is growing this week and learn what is happening in your body. Plus, get a heads up on what to expect at your prenatal appointments and a tip for dads and partners. Â See a picture of what your baby looks like this week, read the transcript, and access the additional resources for week 4. Â Get each week delivered to your inbox according to your due date. Â For more evidence-based information, visit the Pregnancy Podcast website. Â Join Pregnancy Podcast Premium to access the private podcast feed (in your favorite podcast app) with every episode ad-free. Exclusive access to all episodes, articles, and resources on the website. Plus, a digital copy of the Your Birth Plan book. Your step-by-step guide to creating the birth experience you want. Including sample plans and a master template you can customize.
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Week 5 Your Baby's Heart Forms
Welcome to week 5 of your pregnancy. 35 weeks to go! Find out how your baby is growing this week and learn what is happening in your body. Plus, get a heads up on what to expect at your prenatal appointments and a tip for dads and partners. Â See a picture of what your baby looks like this week, read the transcript, and access the additional resources for week 5. Â Get each week delivered to your inbox according to your due date. Â For more evidence-based information, visit the Pregnancy Podcast website. Â Join Pregnancy Podcast Premium to access the private podcast feed (in your favorite podcast app) with every episode ad-free. Exclusive access to all episodes, articles, and resources on the website. Plus, a digital copy of the Your Birth Plan book. Your step-by-step guide to creating the birth experience you want. Including sample plans and a master template you can customize.
Want to know exactly what is going on with your baby and your body this week? Whether you are in week 6 or week 36 of pregnancy, this show will give you just that in about five minutes.
Learn how big your baby is, what new developments are going on, how your pregnant body is changing, how you can find relief from some of the changes going on with you like morning sickness and back pain, what to expect at doctor or midwife appointments, how to plan ahead for breastfeeding, how to plan for the birth you want, plus get a tip each week for our partner!
To get each week delivered to your inbox according to your due date sign up at www.PregnancyPodcast.com/week/
The Pregnancy Podcast has so much more information on specific topics related to pregnancy and is an awesome resource in conjunction with the 40 Weeks podcast.