Do you love learning practical new ways to help improve your life? Join AARP as we dish out tips to make the most of your health, money and happiness – all in f...
Do you dread tax season? You’re not alone. But the fact is — it’s here and we all have to deal with it. So, today we’re sharing three ideas to make this year’s tax season a little bit easier — and lower your stress level in the process!
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Job Search Scams | Tips to Protect Yourself When Looking for a Job
Have you or a loved one ever been the target of a scam? Perhaps by someone who says they’re an online job recruiter? Unfortunately, these days, it’s not uncommon and the realization that you have handed over money or personal information to a criminal can be devastating. So, today we’re sharing three tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of a scam while on a job search.
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Air Fryer Fun | Easy Recipes for the Family
If you own an air fryer, you know how versatile this compact countertop appliance can be — helping you bake, grill, broil, toast and more — in less time and with more ease than a traditional oven. So today we’re sharing some delicious recipes to try for yourself — and the grandkids, too!
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Fighting Fatigue | Tips to Boost Your Energy Level
Feeling tired? Or maybe experiencing a slight energy dip that’s making you cranky and wanting to stay home and rest? Then get ready for a boost — because today we’re sharing three natural ways to enhance your energy levels and get back to doing all the things you love.
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Solo Travelers | Tips for Dining Out Alone
Traveling solo has many perks — but for a lot of people, dining alone is not one of them. So if you feel awkward eating by yourself at a “table-for-one” while traveling, check out today’s tips on how to make dining alone not only comfortable — but enjoyable, too.
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Do you love learning practical new ways to help improve your life? Join AARP as we dish out tips to make the most of your health, money and happiness – all in five minutes or less. We’re sharing the latest life hacks, insights and innovations on everything from better sleep to affordable exercise. We’re here to help you live a positive and healthy life at any age.