All In The Mind is ABC RN's weekly podcast looking into the mental universe, the mind, brain and behaviour — everything from addiction to artificial intelligenc...
Can humans make it to Mars without losing their minds?
NASA wants to send humans to Mars in the next decade or so. But can our minds handle it?We talk to a NASA psychologist and retired astronaut about the psychological challenges people already face on long-duration space missions — and find out what it will take to get to Mars.This episode was first broadcast in March 2024.Looking for another episode to listen to next? Check out Dark tourism + selfie sticks = moral outrage.
Do you hate yourself? Healing from self-hatred
Join us for a live episode of All in the Mind at Podfest in Adelaide this March. You can enter to win tickets here.Many of us have felt self loathing at some point in our lives — maybe when you've failed at an important task at work, or lost an important relationship.But some people hate themselves all the time — their inner monologue is a constant drumbeat of self-criticism and self-loathing. Where does this kind of all-encompassing self-hate come from? And is there a way to unlearn it?We speak to psychiatrist Dr Blaise Aguirre, author of I Hate Myself: Overcome Self-Loathing and Realize Why You're Wrong About You. This episode discusses the topic of suicide - please take care while listening.If you're looking for something to listen to next, check out our episode Can we trust our memories?Resources:Lifeline Australia1800RESPECT
'Bad behaviour' or just misunderstood? What to know about kids' mental health
Developmental paediatrician Dr Billy Garvey has seen a lot of kids with behavioural issue over the years, and there are ten things he wishes all parents understood about their kids mental health.From insecure attachment to separation anxiety to emotional difficulties – he gives us the low down on why kids get labelled ‘bad’ – and what’s really going on (usually).Looking for something to listen to next? Check out our episode, Wanted: Unicorns. Mission: Mars.All in the Mind is heading to Podfest in Adelaide this March. You can enter to win tickets here.
The baby decision — how to decide when you can't decide
There are some decisions in life that can be trickier to navigate. Do you want to get married? Should you change careers? Do you want a baby?Parenthood is a choice more vexed than ever in a world threatened by climate change, political instability and cost-of-living crises. So how can people approach this choice? And if you're lucky enough to have a choice, how do you make peace with your decision?Decision coach Merle Bombardieri has been working with couples on this very topic for decades — today, we ask her about the tools, tips and strategies you can use to tackle the baby question.If you're interested in hearing more about parenthood, check out our episode called Why do we sing to babies?
'My brain snapped': Harry's sudden psychosis
Harry had been lucky. He'd never struggled with his mental health.Then, when he was 18, seemingly out of nowhere — he had his first psychotic episode.It was an abrupt change, with ripple effects across his family.Today, the shock of experiencing psychosis, why you're most likely to get it when you're young, and how you can recognise the signs and support a loved one.If you'd like to hear more about this topic, we have an episode called A musician processes her bipolar diagnosis.Extra resources:SANE AustraliaOrygenHeadspacePsychosis Understood
All In The Mind is ABC RN's weekly podcast looking into the mental universe, the mind, brain and behaviour — everything from addiction to artificial intelligence.