Our Primary Purpose is the official podcast from the General Service Office (GSO) of Alcoholics Anonymous for the U.S. and Canada. Through interviews with GSO s...
Dive into how A.A. members and GSO Staff share the A.A. message with professionals who work with individuals struggling with a drinking problem through ‘Cooperation with the Professional Community’ committees. Plus, Wallace R, a recovering alcoholic and social worker from Vancouver, Canada, shares his A.A. journey and the power of connecting professionals with A.A’.s life-saving program of recovery.
Unlocking the Vault [Season 1, Episode 6]
Tour the A.A. Archives with our GSO archivists who give us behind-the-scenes access to rare collections and artifacts from A.A. history and learn more about A.A.’s beginnings, growth, and impact around the world.
Sobriety, Service, and Second Chances [Season 1, Episode 5]
A.A. reaches behind the walls to bring hope and recovery to persons in custody in the U.S. and Canada. GSO staff member Eileen A. shares powerful stories of how A.A support from the “outside” helps carry the A.A. message to alcoholics on the “inside.” We also hear from an A.A. member who found sobriety while in custody, as he shares the transformative impact of A.A. meetings and fellowship in correctional facilities.
Plain Language, Big Impact [Season 1, Episode 4]
Many people struggling with a drinking problem first encounter A.A. through our numerous pamphlets, books, flyers, and other material. Learn all about the critical role and impact of A.A. publications in a conversation with Publishing Director David R. And hear how the most recent publication, the Plain Language Big Book, is designed to so that the A.A. Twelve Step program of recovery from alcoholism may be easily understood and accessible by all people who have a desire to stop drinking. Also, in this episode, Michael, a visually impaired A.A. member, highlights the importance of inclusivity in A.A. Misha Q., a GSO Staff member, reveals how A.A. literature helped her share the A.A. message while abroad.
Behind the Mic [Season 1, Episode 3]
In this episode, discover the powerful role of Public Information in carrying the A.A. message of recovery. Meet GSO Staff member Patrick C, who discusses how the principle of “attraction rather than promotion” guides A.A. in the digital age. Hear from co-founder Bill W. and learn more about the important role of anonymity. Plus, a sneak peek at the 2025 A.A. International Convention in Vancouver, Canada.
Our Primary Purpose is the official podcast from the General Service Office (GSO) of Alcoholics Anonymous for the U.S. and Canada. Through interviews with GSO staff and voices from A.A. history and the Fellowship today, we explore how GSO supports A.A. to carry the message of recovery to those who need it most, which is…Our Primary Purpose.