Ep. 84: They Took My Aux Privileges Because I played Michael Buble @ The Function (Rude)
Recommended Reading:What Made the Irish Famine So Deadly
Ep. 83: Watch the Footage of Lea Salonga in the Studio Recording Mulan
STARING STRAIGHT BACK AT ME, WHY IS MY REFLECTION SOMEONE I DONT KNOW (I always feel like somebody's watching me ... because that happened once)Okay I'll get serious fr next week. Anyways, enjoy this article this week: The impact of the digital revolution on human brain and behavior: where do we stand?
Ep. 82: I'm In The Wind, I'm In The Water (And I'm In No MOOD 2 be SERIOUS)
This is what I get for abandoning my beloved 2017 laptop who couldn't stay charged for longer than 3 minutes. Brand new laptop and the ish sounds like mumble mumble. Anyways. Recommended Reading: The Daily Wire Spent Thousands of Dollars Promoting Anti-Amber Heard PropagandaIf you're interested in the case of Ta'Haley Payton, please read here: Missing South Carolina woman found dead in Charlotte after being dumped during birthday celebrationYou can donate to her family's go fund me here, if you're able to do so. Rest in power, Ta'Haley and prayers to her family.
Ep. 81: Rasputin's Influences on Cakes and Evil Girls With Boyfriends
You can watch the behind-the-scenes footage of this podcast on YouTube. Referenced reading: The New Rasputins Required Reading: Trevor Noah on being single: “Society has deemed me a loser, whether I like it or not” (so sorry to have linked a r/Fauxmoi thread, it just had the entire video clip I wanted you to watch)
Ep. 80: Matthew Is Not Living Up 2 His Biblical Namesake
For behind-the-scenes of this episode, check out myYouTube channel. Follow me onTikTok and Instagram at hotweirdg0rl!Required Reading:Young women are the most progressive group in American history. Young men are checked outThank you to Key Muh (@kemmahz) and Typhani (@ph.nyc_) for writing in and contributing to today's episode!