The TBRI® Podcast features conversations about Trust-Based Relational Intervention®, an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention designed to meet the comp...
Dereje Zeleke of All God's Children International joins the podcast to talk about supporting vulnerable children and families in Ethiopia using TBRI.
Links from this episode:
TBRI Ambassador Organizations
Follow Dereje: LinkedIn | Facebook
Supporting Teens and Young Adults in Crisis
Kimberly Glaudy joins us to discuss how we can best support teens and young adults who are struggling with thoughts of self-harm and suicide through trust-based relationships.
20 Years of KPICD and the Legacy of Dr. Karyn Purvis
We're kicking off the 20th year of the KPICD with Season 10 of the TBRI Podcast! On today's episode, Sarah Mercado and Emmelie Pickett talk about the evolution of KPICD through the years and share memories of Dr. Karyn Purvis.
Show Notes:
Healing Families Video Series
Dr. Karyn Purvis
Hill Creative Group
TBRI Practitioner Training
The Connected Child
Hope Connection Camp
Dr. David Cross
Dr. Cross’s podcast episode - stories from our Founder
Trust-Based Parenting
TCU Psychology Department
Empowered to Connect/Hope For the Journey
The Connected Parent
Trust-Based Relationships with Foster Youth and Young Adults
Dr. Angie Proctor joins us to talk about her recent work with youth and young adults transitioning out of foster care.
Links from this episode:
Boys and Girls Country of Houston
Boles Children’s Home
Scott Watters
Angie’s Book: When Self-Care is a Dirty Word
Caring for the Caregivers
Today our guest is Ana Lucia Cornejo. Analu is a TBRI Practitoner and holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and Has worked with vulnerable children and families through private practice and NGOs. She currently works for CAFO Research Centre as the Liaison for Latin America and for OneTree, a Life Action independent partner focused on the care and development of Great Commission leaders in mission and ministry. She serves as a member of Peru por los Niños committee, an alliance of Organizations that advocate for every child to live in a family.
Linked References from this episode:
The Connection: Where Hearts Meet
Nurture Group guide
The TBRI® Podcast features conversations about Trust-Based Relational Intervention®, an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. On this podcast we talk about the elements of trauma-informed care and chat with experts in the field about implementing TBRI® across different communities of care and practice.