The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School
The Quill & Sword series of podcasts is created and hosted by The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS). There are multiple shows in the se...
The Quill & Sword | TJAG Sends: The Talent Management Office (TMO) Discusses the Assignment Process, Assignment Instructions, and EFMP with COL Jessica Farrell and Ms. Kelly Yandall
This December 2024 podcast features Kelly Yandall, Legal Administrative Specialist and former Active Duty Adjutant General (AG) Officer, who administratively managed JAGCORPs assignments for the last two years. Ms. Yandall describes the assignment process from assignment instructions to orders production and provides clarity as to where officers can go for help. Ms. Yandall also offers a detailed description of the role of the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) in the assignments process. New to military moves? Unfamiliar with member elections? Never used IPPS-A? This podcast is for you!!!
Connect with The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School by visiting our website at or on Facebook (tjaglcs), Instagram (tjaglcs), or LinkedIn (school/tjaglcs).
The Quill & Sword | The FAR and Beyond Ep 5: Conversation with Mr. Doug Mickle about his career in the U.S. Army JAG Corps and the Department of Justice
In this episode, we chat with Mr. Doug Mickle about his career in the U.S. Army JAG Corps and the Department of Justice. Mr. Doug Mickle is an Assistant Director with the National Courts Section of the Commercial Litigation Branch, Civil Division, United States Department of Justice, where he supervises the National Courts Section's Bid Protest Team. Before joining the Department of Justice, Mr. Mickle served as an Army Judge Advocate for 21 years. He held several litigation assignments at various levels of command, culminating with his final assignment as the Chief of the General Litigation Branch at the Army's Litigation Division.
Learn more about The Quill & Sword series of podcasts by visiting our podcast page at The Quill & Sword show includes featured episodes from across the JAGC, plus all episodes from our four separate shows: “Criminal Law Department Presents” (Criminal Law Department), “NSL Unscripted” (National Security Law Department), “The FAR and Beyond” (Contract & Fiscal Law Department) and “Hold My Reg” (Administrative & Civil Law Department). Connect with The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School by visiting our website at or on Facebook (tjaglcs), Instagram (tjaglcs), or LinkedIn (school/tjaglcs).
The Quill & Sword | CAAF Chats Ep 52: United States v. Williams (C.A.A.F. 2024)
This week we examine a sentence reassessment while diving into the ever-evolving landscape of sentence reassessment at the appellate level. We also take the time to develop some practical lessons from this brief opinion.
Learn more about The Quill & Sword series of podcasts by visiting our podcast page at The Quill & Sword show includes featured episodes from across the JAGC, plus all episodes from our four separate shows: “Criminal Law Department Presents” (Criminal Law Department), “NSL Unscripted” (National Security Law Department), “The FAR and Beyond” (Contract & Fiscal Law Department) and “Hold My Reg” (Administrative & Civil Law Department). Connect with The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School by visiting our website at or on Facebook (tjaglcs), Instagram (tjaglcs), or LinkedIn (school/tjaglcs).
The Quill & Sword | Hold My Reg | Episode 3: The Judge Advocate General’s Corps 2025 Summer Associate Program
In this episode, Major Alexandra Bearden, Associate Professor in the Administrative and Civil Law Department (ADA) at The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS) and Law of Federal Employment portfolio holder interviews Ms. Anna Saulter, 2024 Summer Associate Program intern, and Ms. Dorothy Edger-ton, Senior Civilian at Fort Jackson. Ms. Saulter discusses her unique experience as a summer associate before starting her final year of law school. Ms. Saulter had hands on experience working with civilian attorneys in various areas of law. Ms. Edgerton has served as an Army civilian for 32 years and provides a unique perspec-tive. Not only did Ms. Edgerton serve as a mentor to the summer associates at Fort Jackson, but she also had the unique opportunity to sit on the interview panel for the inaugural 2024 Summer Associate Program. Both guests share their unique experi-ences and offer valuable insight to those who may be interested in applying to the program and ultimately joining the JAG Corps as federal civilian employees.
The 2025 Summer Associate Program application for 2Ls is currently closed, but the application for 1Ls is available in January at
Learn more about The Quill & Sword series of podcasts by visiting our podcast page at The Quill & Sword show includes featured episodes from across the JAGC, plus all episodes from our four separate shows: “Criminal Law Department Presents” (Criminal Law Department), “NSL Unscripted” (National Security Law Department), “The FAR and Beyond” (Contract & Fiscal Law Department) and “Hold My Reg” (Administrative & Civil Law Department). Connect with The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School by visiting our website at or on Facebook (tjaglcs), Instagram (tjaglcs), or LinkedIn (school/tjaglcs).
The Quill & Sword | CAAF Chats Ep 51: United States v. Flanner (C.A.A.F. 2024)
This week we examine the differences between custodial and non-custodial interrogations, and the interplay between a servicemember’s rights under Article 31(b) and Miranda.
Learn more about The Quill & Sword series of podcasts by visiting our podcast page at The Quill & Sword show includes featured episodes from across the JAGC, plus all episodes from our four separate shows: “Criminal Law Department Presents” (Criminal Law Department), “NSL Unscripted” (National Security Law Department), “The FAR and Beyond” (Contract & Fiscal Law Department) and “Hold My Reg” (Administrative & Civil Law Department). Connect with The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School by visiting our website at or on Facebook (tjaglcs), Instagram (tjaglcs), or LinkedIn (school/tjaglcs).
The Quill & Sword series of podcasts is created and hosted by The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS). There are multiple shows in the series, with The Quill & Sword show serving as the umbrella show. "The Quill & Sword" show contains all episodes from the "Criminal Law Department Presents," "NSL Unscripted," "Mentorship Matters" and "Fred Talks" shows, plus featured episodes from other TJAGLCS departments, and all prior episodes from the discontinued “Battlefield Next” show. "Criminal Law Department Presents" features TJAGLCS Criminal Law professors discussing published CAAF opinions. "NSL Unscripted" features discussions on hot topics related to NSL practice and insight from NSL practitioners and national security leaders. "Mentorship Matters" is hosted by the JAG Corps's Leadership Center and features interviews with leaders from across the Army JAG Corps, Retired JALS Personnel, Academic Leaders, and Army Senior Leaders. "Fred Talks" presents a more informal look at the history of the JAG Corps by the Regimental Historian. The Quill & Sword podcast replaced the TJAGLCS Battlefield Next podcast, which served as the original TJAGLCS podcast series. Each episode in The Quill & Sword series of podcasts is generally 10-20 minutes to enable listening to and from work and to get to the point without hours of investment. Connect with The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School by visiting our website at or on Facebook (tjaglcs), Instagram (tjaglcs), or LinkedIn (school/tjaglcs).