The U.S. Army Soldier for Life Podcast shares information about the many employment, education, health and wellness, and Army retirement resources that are avai...
S15E4 Up Your Military Talent Game: The Value Of a Veteran
Want to hire some incredibly talented employees at your company or organization? (We know you are, of course, emphatically nodding your head yes.) Then you should really be thinking about transitioning Soldiers, veterans, and military spouses! On this week's brand new Soldier for Life Podcast, we talk with Ms. Lisa Rosser, the CEO and Founder of an organization called The Value Of a Veteran, about what you can do to up your military connected talent game and WHY this is so important for your organization.
S15E3 Pathways to Military Talent: 50strong
Looking for a resource to help you find your next career OR valuable military talent for your organization (because I hope we all know what a smart move that is for any company!)? On this week's Soldier for Life Podcast, we chat with Kandi Tillman, the Co-Founder of 50strong, an organization that helps connect service members, veterans, military-connected students, and spouses with employers AND employment across the country.
S15E2 NPower: Tech Training for the Military Connected Community
NPower offers free virtual tech training programs, job placement assistance, and professional development opportunities for military and veteran families. Learn more as we sit down with Kendra Parlock, the Vice President of Partnership Development for NPower.
S15E1 MyArmyBenefits
The MyArmyBenefits website is the U.S. Army’s official one-stop shop for information about all of the federal and state benefits that Soldiers, veterans, and their families have earned from serving their country in the United States Army. The website even includes planning calculators to help with things like Army retirement, survivor benefits, and deployment! Learn all about this fantastic resource as we chat with the Program Manager for the MyServiceBenefits Program in the Army Retirement Services office, Ms. Chelsea MacDougall.
S14E13 From Military to Manufacturing: Heroes MAKE America
The Manufacturing Institute's Heroes MAKE America program provides training and resources to help prepare individuals in the military and veteran communities for careers in the manufacturing industry. On today's Soldier For Life Podcast, we chat with Amy Thomas, the National Director of the Heroes MAKE America program, about their efforts to build a pipeline of military-trained and industry-certified candidates for manufacturers around the country.
The U.S. Army Soldier for Life Podcast shares information about the many employment, education, health and wellness, and Army retirement resources that are available to Soldiers, veterans, and their families (plus much more!).