The Green Divas is the original green podcast and has been sharing low-stress ways to mitigate and adapt to our climate reality since 2006. Founding Green Diva ...
The Christmas tree dilemma -- real of fake? Which is the more environmentally sustainable choice? We dug into some research, so listen to find out!This episode is a great roundup of some of our best practices for a mindful, more eco-friendly holiday season. Tips for reducing waste and giving gifts that matter while being aware of how we impact the environment, wildlife and ourselves. Please check out our TikTok @official_greendivas ; of course follow us on instagram @TheGreenDivas ; FaceBook @GreenDivas ; and YouTube
Climate Change Anxiety
Yup. It's a thing. And if you listened to our last episode, this episode can provide a nice remedy for the stress it may have induced! We talked to climate psychologist, Leslie Davenport about how to deal with the stress of climate change. We also revisited some great commentary from Mariel Hemingway from one of our shows about eco-therapy and how nature can be a powerful healer. Please check out our TikTok @official_greendivas ; of course follow us on instagram @TheGreenDivas ; FaceBook @GreenDivas ; and YouTube
The Microplastic Plague
Using less plastic, storing food in glass and generally keeping a clean and healthy home is not enough to keep us safe from microplastics. It is literally EVERYWHERE. We breathe it in every day in our own homes or even outside in nature. Matt Simon talks to The Green Divas about his research for his new book, A Poison Like No Other: How Microplastics Corrupted Our Planet and Our Bodies. There is frightening new research about just how currupted our environment and our bodies actually are with micro and nanoplastics, but there is still a long way to go to gain a full understanding of the health and environmental impacts of plastic. ugh.Please check out our TikTok @official_greendivas ; of course follow us on instagram @TheGreenDivas ; FaceBook @GreenDivas ; and YouTube
The Environmental Impact of Online Shopping
Online shopping is a bigger industry than ever. It sure is convenient, but what about the environmental impact? We explore some humbling stats about ecommerce and the bottom line of which is more eco-friendly -- online v. brick and mortar. The answer might surprise you. And yes, there are some GD confessions about how we have all fallen prey to this super easy way to shop. Be nice. We're always striving to be better.Please check out our TikTok @official_greendivas ; of course follow us on instagram @TheGreenDivas ; FaceBook @GreenDivas ; and YouTube
Talking turkey about food waste
The Green Divas love food, but don't love food waste. It's a never-ending challenge to keep food from spoiling and being wasted -- at home and in our communities. While we've covered this issue a few times, it was time to update some statistics (to our horror) and revisit and remind ourselves of all the ways we can help mitigate food waste and help those that are hungry.There's a fun Green Dude segment from a few years back from Jeff Yeager, the Ultimate Cheapskate, who has been on a mission to "Save the Giblets!" Also, some relevant advice from another older interview with Jonathan Bloom, who wrote the book, American Wasteland: How America Throws Away Nearly Half of Its Food (and What We Can Do About It). The book is over a decade old, but his advice is still VERY relevant!Please check out our TikTok @official_greendivas ; of course follow us on instagram @TheGreenDivas ; FaceBook @GreenDivas ; and YouTube
The Green Divas is the original green podcast and has been sharing low-stress ways to mitigate and adapt to our climate reality since 2006. Founding Green Diva Megan McWilliams Bouchard and Green Divas Lynn Broderick and Lisa McWilliams are refreshing the brand for the 2022 reboot. All have been involved in the Green Divas and other forms of media for decades and are committed to bringing solutions, hope, humor and of course credible information in an engaging format. Stay tuned for the best content for green, natural living, climate hope, stories of resilience all with The Green Divas often humorous approach.