Most mysteries can be solved by looking at the facts. But sometimes, the truth lies somewhere in the unknown… Enter the realm of true crime’s most bizarre occur...
In 1953, 17-year-old Clarita Villanueva was incarcerated in the Philippines. Only a few days into her stay, she began suffering vicious attacks from unseen entities, including bite marks that appeared on her skin out of nowhere. An American pastor led her exorcism, making Clarita's case global news. And to this day, many people believe her story holds more supernatural evidence than any other demonic possession case in history. For a full list of sources, please visit: So Supernatural is an audiochuck and Crime House production. Find us on social!Instagram: @sosupernatualpodTwitter: @_sosupernaturalFacebook: /sosupernaturalpod
DISAPPEARED: Bennington Triangle
Centered around the Glastonbury Mountains of Vermont, the Bennington Triangle has been the site of numerous unexplained disappearances and supernatural phenomena dating back centuries. Everyone from inexperienced college students, to trained outdoorsmen have disappeared in the triangle, alongside reports of strange lights and Bigfoot sightings. This has led many to wonder if the Bennington Triangle could hold portals to other worlds.For a full list of sources, please visit: So Supernatural is an audiochuck and Crime House production. Find us on social!Instagram: @sosupernatualpodTwitter: @_sosupernaturalFacebook: /sosupernaturalpod
MYSTICAL: The Curse of the Hope Diamond
For centuries, the Hope Diamond has haunted history with its timeless beauty and its sinister legends. Over the years, it fell into ownership of kings, queens, socialites, and celebrity jewelers, many of whom were supposedly touched by its curse, and met tragic fates. While the diamond is now safely locked away at the Smithsonian Museum in D.C., there are ancient legends that say diamonds do hold mysterious powers… could the Hope Diamond be one of them? For a full list of sources, please visit: So Supernatural is an audiochuck and Crime House production. Find us on social!Instagram: @sosupernatualpodTwitter: @_sosupernaturalFacebook: /sosupernaturalpod
LEGEND: Krampus
Throughout history, Krampus has been seen as the dark and sinister counterpart to old Saint Nicholas. This horned, hoofed, half-human, half-goat creature is known for taking charge of the naughty list, and punishing those that don’t behave. But is Krampus one of a kind? For years, legends of a similar Goatman have popped up all over the world, from South America to New Zealand, leading many to wonder – does this Christmas legend have roots in the supernatural… and might he exist after all? For a full list of sources, please visit: So Supernatural is an audiochuck and Crime House production. Find us on social!Instagram: @sosupernatualpodTwitter: @_sosupernaturalFacebook: /sosupernaturalpod
THE UNKNOWN: Nightmare Deaths
In the 1980s, doctors in the United States noticed a bizarre phenomenon happening amongst Southeast Asian refugees. Many of them were having terrifying nightmares that seemed to kill them in their sleep. To this day, dedicated scientists and researchers have been unable to find a distinct cause which has led some to wonder – could Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syndrome – also known as SUNDS – be caused by some supernatural force? For a full list of sources, please visit: So Supernatural is an audiochuck and Crime House production. Find us on social!Instagram: @sosupernatualpodTwitter: @_sosupernaturalFacebook: /sosupernaturalpod
Most mysteries can be solved by looking at the facts. But sometimes, the truth lies somewhere in the unknown… Enter the realm of true crime’s most bizarre occurrences, and unravel all the possible explanations. No matter how strange or surreal they get.