Episode 203 – Ironworker Apprenticeship Builds More Than Just Buildings
Des Moines’ Ironworkers Union is hard at work across the metro building the structures that will eventually turn into the buildings where we live, work, and hang out.  However, they’re also using an apprenticeship program to build lifelong careers from the ground up.  Ironworkers local 67 Apprenticeship and Training Coordinator Ed Bleimehl drops by the podcast to talk about how his apprentices develop throughout the program, and how some of their experiences can help other industries that might just be starting an apprenticeship program of their own. Â
The YSS Rooftop Gardens program is producing thousands of heads of lettuce, but its' more important export is the employability skills young adults need to change their lives. Started in 2024, the garden employs several groups of at-risk youth to grow hydroponic romaine lettuce which is then sold at farmers markets and select Hy-Vee stores. Hear from program founder Samanthya Marlatt as she disccuses how they use a combination of real world experience and classroom learning to teach these young adults about employability, and find out how they've already seen results after students graduate the program. For more information on the program go to https://www.yss.org/rooftopgardens/
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Episode 201 - A New Healthcare Grant for Employers
 A New healthcare grant designed to help employers develop or expand their earn and learn programs is open for applications!  Kathy Leggett, title, sits across the table with Mission: Employable podcast host, Ben Oldach, to discuss the ins and outs of the grant. Who can apply? How much money is available? And how can earn and learn programs help employers grow their staff for years to come? Get answers to these and more along with information about applying to the new healthcare grant in this episode.
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Episode 200 - A New Deputy in Town
Mission Employable celebrates its 200th episode with a brand-new face! Newly hired Iowa Workforce Development Deputy Director Georgia Van Gundy joins the pod to introduce herself to the state and discuss what her past experiences will bring to the department.  Find out why the former Executive Director of the Iowa Business Council tells us the unemployment rate isn’t the only number we should be paying attention to.Â
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Episode 199 – Helping English Language Learners Jumpstart their Career
Learning English can be a challenge, but learning career specific terminology and slang can be even more challenging. Â Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) is here to help solve some of those problems with its Jumpstart program. Michelle Schott, Integrated Education and Training Coordinator at DMACC, joins the Mission: Employable podcast and shares about the program that is helping English language learners talk the talk in their career fields. Find out how employers can use the program to help set their staff up for success and how Jumpstart works to specialize language learning for specific career fields.