Join Alana, Kyle, and Tiera as they journey into the mission of uncovering God's truths and design for sexual freedom within marriage. They're going to be tackl...
226: Q&A: Swallowing, Different Drives, & Postpartum Slump
You asked, they answer! The KS Team answers questions sent in on Instagram, and they do not hold back! Tune in now!
Links from today’s episode:
My Counselor Online (You get $25 off your first month when you sign up with our link!)
Unite & Ignite membership
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180: Pregnancy and Postpartum Q&A
She Comes First
Married Dance use the code KINGDOMSEXUALITY for 10% off! (Oralicious was mentioned in this episode)
Covenant Spice
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225: Sexual Confidence
What does being a sexually confident Christian look like? And HOW do you become one?? Tune in now to hear the KS team chat about it!
Links from today’s episode:
Figuring Out What I Like Guide
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Intimately Us app
Heated Mattress Pad
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224: Getting Out Of A Slump
In a bit of a sexual slump? Not sure how to navigate it? We've all been there. Tune in as the KS team gives some practical tips for getting out of the slump and into the hump!
Links from today’s episode:
30 Prayers For Your Wife eBook
30 Prayer For Your Husband eBook
Better Help
My Counselor Online (get $25 off when you use our link!)
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223: Learning To Be A Selfless Lover
Tune in to hear the KS team tackle some big questions around selflessness- questions like: What does selflessness actually look like in the bedroom? How do I bring up the need for more selflessness without offending my spouse? and I’m already exhausted—how can I be selfless when I have nothing left to give?
Links from today’s episode:
Subscribe here!
Keeping Score Episode
Intimacy with Small Kids episode
Resetting Your Mindset episode
Awaken Love book
Intimately Us App
The Flirtation Experiment book
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Special thanks to the sponsor of this episode, Dwell! Go to to get your 25% off discount.
222: God, Sex, & How They Mesh
How do God and sex mesh?! How can incorporating the Lord into EVERY area of our life actually make any difference? Tune in as Tiera and Alana chat about how God didn't design sex on accident and give you practical tips that will change your intimate life!
Links from today’s episode:
That Sounds Fun Network Website
Awaken Love
30 Prayers For Your Wife eBook
30 Prayer For Your Husband eBook
KS Shop
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Join Alana, Kyle, and Tiera as they journey into the mission of uncovering God's truths and design for sexual freedom within marriage. They're going to be tackling some big questions. Things like why couples go into marriage feeling ill-equipped about sex, and how couples years into their marriages can find wholesome ways to spice things up. From interviews, to "sex-timonies", and everything in-between- this is the Kingdom Sexuality podcast.