Here at Transformation Church we believe in Representing God to the lost and found for Transformation in Christ. We are a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, and ...
Distraction By The Details // Death To Distraction: Week 7 // Michael Todd
Distraction doesn’t always come in the form of something obvious—it can be hidden in the details. In Week 7 of Death to Distraction, Pastor Michael Todd showed us how focusing too much on the details can pull us away from trusting God’s process.Using the journey of the Israelites in Exodus 13-16, we saw how God led them the long way on purpose, not as punishment, but for development. Sometimes, what feels like a detour is actually part of God’s divine design.But when we fixate on the details of drought, desire, or delay, we can easily become distracted from His direction.  How many details do you need before you obey?We pray this message helps you shift from distraction to devotion and trust that when God leads, He provides.Scripture ReferencesHebrews 12:1-2 NLTExodus 13:17-22 NLTExodus 15:22-24 NLTExodus 16:2-5 NLTExodus 32:1 NLT
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Focused And Fearless //. Death To Distraction: Week 6 // Charles Metcalf
What’s Fueling Your Focus? In Week 6 of Death to Distraction, Pastor Charles Metcalf challenged us to examine what’s driving our focus—is it fear or faith? If we’re not careful, we can do the right thing with the wrong motive, and a focus fueled by fear will always shrink our future. But when our focus is fueled by faith, it grows in the direction of God’s purpose for us. In this message you will find out how to flip your focus by 3 simple steps so that your faith can grow.Scripture ReferencesHebrews 12:1-2 NLTMatthew 38:1-6 NASB1 Thessalonians 5:4-11 NIV2 Corinthians 4:16-18 NIV
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A Distraction Named David // Death To Distraction: Week 5 // Michael Todd
We often think distractions come from people, places, or things—but sometimes, the biggest distraction is what’s happening inside of us.In Week 5 of Death to Distraction, Pastor Michael exposed the distraction of comparison through the story of Saul and David. When insecurity takes over, even our allies can start looking like enemies.We pray this message helps you break free from insecurity, comparison, and fear—so you can walk boldly in the confidence of who God has called you to be!Scripture References:Hebrews 12:1-2 NLT1 Samuel 18:5-15 NLT1 Samuel 13:11-14 NLT
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Dating Distractions // Death To Distraction: Week 4 // Michael Todd
Are you dating with discernment or just delulu? In Week 4 of Death to Distraction, Pastor Michael broke down how Delilah repeatedly tried to distract Samson—while he stayed stuck in delusion. The real question is: Are we making room for our distractions? Have we gotten so deep in a relationship with them that we can’t even see what they’re stealing from us? We pray this message helps you recognize the traps of compromise and refocus on Godly commitments over temporary distractions. Scripture ReferencesHebrews 12:1-2 NIVJudges 16:5-14 NLT
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The Disease of Double-Minded // Death To Distraction: Week 3 // Pastor Michael Todd
Double-mindedness keeps part of your life in the light while the other stays in the dark—but eventually, the side you feed the most will win. On this special Anniversary Sunday and Week 3 of Death to Distraction, Pastor Michael reminded us that we can’t fully embrace God’s promises while still clinging to the pleasures of our flesh. To overcome double-mindedness, we must stay devoted, disciplined, and defended by the people we surround ourselves with.We pray this message challenges you to reflect on your decisions and align your patterns with God’s will.Happy 26 years as a ministry & 10 years under the leadership of Pastor Michael Todd, TC Nation! Because of your YES, we get to keep representing God to the lost and found for transformation in Christ!Scripture ReferencesHebrews 12:1-2 NIVProverbs 4:7 NKJVJames 1:8 KJV [References Double Minded scripture]Romans 6:1-2 NIVLuke 22:42 NKJVHebrews 12:11-15 NLTEcclesiastes 4:9-12 NIV
Here at Transformation Church we believe in Representing God to the lost and found for Transformation in Christ. We are a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, and multiplying church committed to progression not perfection. We are led by Lead Pastors Michael and Natalie Todd.