Questions Covered:
10:46 – My wife died earlier this year and fell back into drinking. Does CIR offer a 12-step model?
14:43 – Thank you, Scott. I’ve been attending the pilot programs for CIR in my diocese.
19:17 – I just wanted to share how CIR helped me a year ago.
30:08 – How addictive is Marijuana? My son smokes a lot and I asked him to stop and refuses to quit.
35:07 – How can I find out if they have groups in my area?
41:08 – My 33-year-old son is suffering through all kinds of addicts. What advice can you offer and how can we help?
48:10 – Is there anything I can do if a neighbor is so caught in addiction that the kids are being neglected? I’ve become a money pit for them.
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#12065 Which Books Are in Scripture? - William Albrecht
Questions Covered:
06:35 – Considering scholarship on Jn 8. How do we justify it being in the bible since it’s not in the earliest manuscripts?
13:21 – How does the Church rectify other churches’ canons when they enter into communion?
16:34 – Can you talk about Cyril Lucaris and the canon conflict
19:03 – How do we relate to the oriental canon?
20:42 – What is the council of Nicaea 1 and 2? Could there have been other books that were considered a part of the canon during those councils?
22:23 – Book of Judith. It says Nebuchadnezzar was king of Assyria and I’ve heard it said that is historically incorrect. Can you talk about it?
34:07 – Does Tobit 12:9 contradict Paul?
37:23 – Could you elaborate how we could persuasively argue how we should trust the Church on the canon, especially for laymen who don’t want to get into the scholarship?
44:13 – In Mark 10:13-16 a new translation. Question on if they changed the reference to the child from ‘him’ to ‘it’ to be inclusive?
46:17 – I’ve heard that the doxology of the Our Father (for thine is the kingdom…etc.) is a marginal gloss, and not part of the original text of scripture. If that’s the case, why is it still in there?
48:13 – Why should we trust these men to put the bible together and not others?
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#12064 Do Jews Receive Forgiveness Without the Temple? And More Questions - Jimmy Akin
Jimmy Akin answers key Catholic questions on Jewish forgiveness without the Temple, King Solomon’s salvation, Jacob’s name change, and much more…
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#12063 Should the Church Baptize Immediately? And More Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin
Jimmy answers key Catholic questions on biblical texts, St. Michael’s role, surviving biblical churches, immediate baptism, and differences in Catholic and Orthodox canons.…
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#12062 How Can the Saints Hear Us? A Catholic Explanation, And More - Karlo Broussard
Dr Karlo Broussard tackles key Catholic questions on Sola Scriptura, the papacy in Isaiah, how saints hear prayers, and on how reliable the Church Fathers are.…