TWiM explores the discovery of microbial enzymes, PETases, that can degrade ubiquitous plastics, and how exogenous peptidoglycan is a danger signal to trigger biofilm formation. Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Michael Schmidt, Michele Swanson. Guest Mark O. Martin. Subscribe to TWiM (free) on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Android, RSS, or by email. Become a patron of TWiM. Music used on TWiM is composed and performed by Ronald Jenkees and used with permission. Links for this episode Discovery of PET depolymerases (Science) Exogenous peptidoglycan triggers biofilm formation (Nat Micro) What is a biofilm? (Vimeo) Peptidoglycan as a PAMP/MAMP (Immunol Rev) Light organ formation triggered by peptidoglycan (Science) Take the TWiM Listener survey! Send your microbiology questions and comments (email or recorded audio) to
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