The LOGSTAT is the Army’s premier podcast on all things sustainment. We analyze new developments, discuss current trends, and forge the path ahead for the next ...
The LOGSTAT: The Integration of Combat Arms & Logistics
Episode #1: On the first official episode of The LOGSTAT, CPT Garett Pyle meets with CPT Dave McKinney who is an Armor officer serving as a Small Group Leader in the Captains Career Course at the Army Sustainment University to discuss the integration of Combat Arms & Logistics.
The LOGSTAT: Teaser Episode
On the teaser episode of The LOGSTAT, CPT Garett Pyle discusses the creation of this new podcast and the way ahead for Army Sustainment.
The LOGSTAT is the Army’s premier podcast on all things sustainment. We analyze new developments, discuss current trends, and forge the path ahead for the next generation of sustainment Soldiers. This is an original biweekly podcast that broadcasts from CASCOM on Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia. Our goal is to support and educate the sustainment enterprise all over the globe. The episodes are short and packaged for quick consumption. In each episode, the Sustainment Harding Fellow talks with sustainment leaders on a variety of topics in the sustainment enterprise. These conversations are designed to spark discussions across the enterprise and to sharpen our skills and knowledge as sustainers. You can view episodes on the following platforms: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and YouTube Music.