Does your healthcare organization have an effective compliance program? Captain Integrity is here to save the day. Learn how to roll out necessary, lighthearted...
Part 2: Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs): The Nuts and Bolts and Legal Requirements
Send us a textAll safe harbors require the one-third income test. In this episode, Captain Integrity Bob Wade continues his breakdown of Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs). Hear how the one-third income test works, when a second one-third test is needed, what the Return on Investment (ROI) needs to be based on, the 4 types of ASCs safe-harbored under the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS), and how to approach loans. Learn more at
Part 1: Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs): The Nuts and Bolts and Legal Requirements
Send us a textIn the case of Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs), the Stark Law does not apply. In this episode, Captain Integrity Bob Wade kicks off his breakdown of ASCs. Hear the pros & cons of ASCs from a patient’s perspective, why the Stark Law does not apply, why ASCs need to be billed under the composite rate, how block booking works for physicians, and the story of Bob’s daughter’s ACL. Learn more at
Medicaid Reimbursement Litigation Is Possible: A Discussion with Knicole Emanuel, Partner at Nelson Mullins
Send us a text You don’t have to accept what is given to you. In this episode, Captain Integrity Bob Wade dives into Medicaid reimbursement litigation with Knicole Emanuel, Partner at Nelson Mullins. Hear why litigation is an option to fight low Medicaid rates, why you don’t need to accept the reimbursement rates presented, how medical equity works, the David vs. Goliath case Knicole worked on, and some examples in terms of children’s dental needs. Learn more at
Part 2: Why Is Sanitizing wRVUs Important (Comp RVU) vs. Reported wRVUs: A Discussion with Matt BonDurant, SVP at ProCARE
Send us a textThe Comp RVU is not the same as the wRVU. In this episode, Captain Integrity Bob Wade continues his discussion on wRVUs & more with Matt BonDurant, Co-Founder & SVP at ProCARE. Hear why Comp RVUs and wRVUs both have complexities, why everyone is handling it differently, the fundamental problem in the industry, examples of modifiers, and who is involved with Comp RVUs. Learn more at
Part 1: Why Is Sanitizing wRVUs Important (Comp RVU) vs. Reported wRVUs: A Discussion with Matt BonDurant, SVP at ProCARE
Send us a textThere’s a lot to consider when it comes to RVUs (Relative Value Units). In this episode, Captain Integrity Bob Wade breaks down wRVUs & more with Matt BonDurant, Co-Founder & SVP at ProCARE. Hear what a Comp RVU is, the nuts & bolts of RVUs, why RVUs are so complicated, how to approach benchmark data, and Bob’s story from Philmont Scout Ranch. Learn more at
Does your healthcare organization have an effective compliance program? Captain Integrity is here to save the day. Learn how to roll out necessary, lighthearted, and fun education to your employees and physicians so they abide by Stark Law. Hosted by Bob Wade aka Captain Integrity, award-winning Healthcare Regulatory and Stark Law Attorney