Project Upland presents the Project Upland Podcast, a cinematic and science-based production that delivers on the independent storytelling you have come to love...
Sage Grouse - Cheatgrass, Area Fidelity, and GPS Tracking
In this episode, Gabby and AJ talk to Associate Professor and Rangeland Wildlife Extension Specialist at Utah State University, Dave Dahlgren. As a sage grouse researcher and scientist, Dave explores the threat of cheatgrass and fire in the Great Basin to habitat. He also shares his experience with changing technology in radio telemetry and GPS tracking and how his pointing dogs have played a role in his research. Lastly, we discuss one of the most influential and limiting factors in sage grouse survival: area fidelity.This is the second episode of a two-part series about sage grouse in Utah.Listen to: Great Basin Sage Grouse Part OneIf you want to support independent journalism, check out the Project Upland Podcast Patreon.Support the show
Great Basin Sage Grouse: Part One
In this episode, Gabby and AJ talk to Utah-based sage grouse expert Dave Dahlgren. As a sage grouse researcher and biologist, Dave teaches us about the huge amounts of habitat sage grouse need to survive and explains human-centric issues impacting their continued existence.This is the first episode of a two-part series about sage grouse in Utah.---Visit projectupland.comThe Project Upland Podcast PatreonRead Clint Wirick's article "Are Pinyon Jays the Next Sage Grouse?"Support the show
Trailer: Project Upland Podcast
Project Upland presents the new Project Upland Podcast, a cinematic and science-based production that delivers on the independent storytelling you have come to love. Cohosts AJ DeRosa and Gabby Zaldumbide learn from researchers, biologists, and subject matter experts about birds, nature, conservation, dogs, and more. Join us as we travel into the deepest, most obscure, and nerdiest realms of the uplands.After all, these are your stories.---Visit projectupland.comThe Project Upland Podcast PatreonSupport the show
Project Upland presents the Project Upland Podcast, a cinematic and science-based production that delivers on the independent storytelling you have come to love. Cohosts AJ DeRosa and Gabby Zaldumbide learn from researchers, biologists, and subject matter experts about birds, nature, conservation, dogs, and more. This podcast is a glimpse into the minds of the curious, obsessive, and hard-working folks who work at Project Upland and an exploration of all the things we find that we can't always include in print.Join us as we travel into the deepest, most obscure, and nerdiest realms of the uplands. After all, these are your stories.