The Miraculous Proof of Catholicism is Undeniable (Fr. Seraphim Baalbaki, C.F.R.) | Ep.516
Fr. Seraphim Baalbaki, C.F.R. is a member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. He earned a B.A. in Computer Science and Mathematics from Cornell University, an M.A. in Theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, and an M.A. in Catholic Philosophical Studies from St. Joseph’s Seminary. He also began a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin. Fr. Seraphim's intellectual formation is paired with a deep commitment to serving others, particularly through the friars’ work at St. Crispin Friary, where they provide food for the needy and support the St. Anthony Shelter for Renewal, a sanctuary for homeless men in need of healing and recovery.
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How Hallow Became the #1 App in the World (with CEO, Alex Jones) | Ep. 515
Alex is the CEO & Co-Founder of Hallow, a Catholic app for prayer, meditation, music, bible, and sleep. Hallow has over one billion minutes prayed, 18 million downloads, 500 million prayers prayed, 200,000 five-star reviews, and is the #1 Catholic app in the world. Over Lent, Hallow became the #1 app in the app store.
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Authentic Masculinity and Intimacy with Jesus (John Eldredge) | Ep. 514
John Eldredge is an author, counselor, and speaker best known for his book Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul, which explores biblical masculinity and the deep desires of a man’s heart. Born in 1960, Eldredge has dedicated much of his work to spiritual formation, healing, and calling men and women to a more intimate relationship with God. He is the founder of Wild at Heart Ministries (formerly Ransomed Heart), which offers resources, retreats, and teachings on the restoration of the soul. His writing blends storytelling, theology, and personal experience, often drawing from literature, adventure, and nature to illustrate spiritual truths.  👉 Get John's new book here:
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The Legal Battle Against DEI and Gender Ideology Has Begun (Marcella Burke Esq.)
Marcella Burke of Houston, Texas, is the founder and partner of Burke Law Group PLLC. Marcella began her legal career as an energy attorney in AmLaw 100 law firms, where she earned an equity partnership. She was appointed in the Trump Administration to serve in the Environmental Protection Agency as Deputy General Counsel. In addition to her extensive energy and environmental law background, Marcella Burke is at the forefront of legal advocacy for detransitioners and DEI abuse whistleblowers. She defends individuals who have experienced medical malpractice or discrimination in the context of "gender transition," and represents them in lawsuits against employers and medical professionals. Her work ensures that the rights of detransitioners are vigorously protected in the legal system, challenging wrongful practices and advocating for accountability. Â Marcella's firm:
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Schism, Heretical Bishops, and Pope Benedict XVI (Dr. Richard DeClue)
Richard G. DeClue, Jr., S.Th.D. is the Professor of Theology at the Word on Fire Institute. In addition to his undergraduate degree in theology (Belmont Abbey College), he earned three ecclesiastical degrees in theology at the Catholic University of America. He specializes in systematic theology with a particular interest and expertise in the thought of Joseph Ratzinger / Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. His STL thesis treated Ratzinger’s Eucharistic ecclesiology in comparison to the Eastern Orthodox theologian John Zizioulas. His doctoral dissertation expounded and evaluated Ratzinger’s theology of divine revelation. Dr. DeClue has published articles in peer-reviewed journals on Ratzinger’s theology, and he taught a college course on the thought of Pope Benedict XVI. He is also interested in the ecclesiology of Henri de Lubac, the debate over nature and grace, and developing a rapprochement between Communio (ressourcement) theology and Thomism. The Mind of Benedict XVI by Dr. Richard DeClue: