A production of PBS affiliate KEET-TV, in Eureka, CA. Interviews and such with fascinating folks on the leading edge of discovery around topics like UAPs, UFOs,...
Luis Elizondo Part I -- Neon Galactic -- Episode 78
On this episode, I’m joined by former U.S. counterintelligence officer Luis Elizondo for the first half of a two-part interview.Elizondo has been a formative and important figure in the ongoing movement for UAP disclosure. In 2017, after resigning from the U.S. Department of Defense, he’s conducted an eventful and sometimes controversial campaign to help push UAPs and NHI into public awareness. Over the past several years, he’s done countless interviews, appeared in numerous documentaries, written the best-selling book, “Imminent,” and testified under oath in front of Congress. We discuss the recent revelations of Jake Barber, an elite former black program operator and helicopter pilot who, over the course of several recent interviews, revealed that the US government and its private industry partners has long been aware of the reality of UFOs, and has deployed “psionic” assets to pilot them onto a military testing range and ultimately bring them down. Lue vouches for Barber’s bona fides, indicating that people within government confirm much of what barber claims about his knowledge and experience. Lue also seems to caution against accepting Barber’s personal experiences as definitive around his encounter with a transcendent feminine energy.We discuss the nature of psionic capacities, and how reality must work to accommodate such phenomena. Is consciousness a fundamental part of the universe? We also dive into Lue’s repeated statement that humanity has to accept no longer being the top of the food chain, and what that means in terms of possible predation and exploitation. We’re just getting started in this conversation. Part II of this interview is scheduled for later this week, when we’ll explore the ethics of psionic recruitment, the politics of the moment, how sweeping changes in the executive branch may or may not impact disclosure, experiencer Chris Bledsoe’s recent claim that Jesus Christ is scheduled for a landing some time in May 2026, and whether knocking UAPs down with tech or psychic sabotage is a smart thing to do. We’ll also discuss the UAP Disclosure Fund, how regular citizens can help make change, and the best way for people to get prepared for an era when seemingly dangerous secrets have been revealed.To buy “Imminent:”https://a.co/d/6FFmKg3To learn more about the UAP Disclosure Fund:https://uapdisclosurefund.org/—------------------------------------Music Credits:Music: Cinematic Logo 04 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8221-cinematic-logo-04Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseMusic: Technology Calm Logo 01 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6660-technology-calm-logo-01Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license---Neon Galactic is a production of PBS affiliate KEET-TV in Eureka, CA. Please don’t forget to like and subscribe. Public television can always use your support. I’d especially like to thank the Neon Flux team, and other friends of the show: Dr. Chris Avis, David Stuss, the two Lauras, Paul France, Trevor Shikaze and Andrea Actis. On X:@jfrickingfaulk@LueElizondo#ufo #imminent #elizondo #uap #alien #government #space #afterlife #encounters #abduction #space #spirituality #nhi #psi
u/MantisAwakening -- Neon Galactic -- Episode 77
Everyone says the UFO/UAP/NHI topic is targeted with misinformation and sabotage, yet few produce proof. Few have tracked the assault. Our guest today has helped manage a subreddit and has seen these attacks first hand. On this episode of Neon Galactic, Charles aka “MantisAwakening” from the r/Experiencers subreddit joins us to talk about his encounters with the anomalous, his co-founding of the experiencer forum, and his discovery of bad actors working both sides to derail the contact conversation. Charles describes his early childhood encounter with a giant grasshopper, a so-called mantis being, and how that kicked off a life of strange incidents, emerging psychical abilities, and related research.The forum he helps run has become one of the most important places on the Internet for experiencers to gather, share their stories, get support, and be real. The rules prohibit debunking of any kind, so redditors can be vulnerable and tell their stories without fear of ridicule and consequence.Charles describes how the system works and what the role of moderator actually looks like from the inside.We also discuss the evidence he’s found for manipulations from bots and other bad actors who seem bent on fanning the flames of conflict, posting as both hard-core and abusive skeptics, and also as credulous fringe thinkers who peddle extreme stories.By flooding the zone with radical voices, fomenting conflict, and increasing the chaos of the conversation, these influencers actively discourage casual interest from those just getting involved in the discussion.——————-Music Credits:Music: Cinematic Logo 04 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8221-cinematic-logo-04Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseMusic: Technology Calm Logo 01 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6660-technology-calm-logo-01Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license---Neon Galactic is a production of PBS affiliate KEET-TV in Eureka, CA. Please don’t forget to like and subscribe. Public television can always use your support. I’d especially like to thank the Neon Flux team, and other friends of the show: Dr. Chris Avis, David Stuss, the two Lauras, Paul France, Trevor Shikaze and Andrea Actis. On X:@jfrickingfaulkOn Reddit:u/MantisAwakeningOn Youtube:www.youtube.com/uapozarks#ufo #uap #alien #mantis #EVP #government #space #afterlife #encounters #abduction #space #spirituality #nhi #psi
Matthew Roberts -- Neon Galactic -- Episode 76
On this episode of Neon Galactic, Dr. Chris Avis and I interview author and experiencer Matthew Roberts – near the 10th anniversary of the Gimbal encounter – about his various experiences, what he’s learned since, and the danger he sees in pursuing contact without appropriate self-development. Roberts is the author of “Initiated,” a memoir about his contact experiences and what he’s learned from them, and was prominently featured in the Netflix series, “Encounters.” In his book, Roberts writes about how contact with NHI led him on a deep and transformative journey of self-discovery and growth, one that ultimately helped him to embrace his anomalous encounters through a lens of Jungian psychology. The recent avalanche of UAP related news and disclosures has brought much to the surface, yet even more remains murky. With so much at stake, and so much chaos already loose in the world, we discuss how important it is to get these next steps right.The phenomenon seems to be challenging us as a species to progress psychologically and psychically, and we explore how the danger in ignoring that push to gain technology and profit may ultimately be catastrophic. We consider the need for our species to engage in inner development, and how many of our current troubles result from the projection of subconscious archetypes.We review the recent emergence of Jake Barber, and how what Barber describes fits directly in with what Roberts himself experienced..——————-Music Credits:Music: Cinematic Logo 04 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8221-cinematic-logo-04Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseMusic: Technology Calm Logo 01 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6660-technology-calm-logo-01Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license---Neon Galactic is a production of PBS affiliate KEET-TV in Eureka, CA. Please don’t forget to like and subscribe. Public television can always use your support. I’d especially like to thank the Neon Flux team, and other friends of the show: Dr. Chris Avis, David Stuss, the two Lauras, Paul France, Trevor Shikaze and Andrea Actis. On X:@jfrickingfaulk@UFOphilosophy#ufo #uap #alien #initiation #greekmythology #nationaldefenseauthorizationact #government #space #afterlife #netflix #encounters #abduction #plato #space #spirituality
Sinéad Whelehan -- Neon Galactic -- Episode 75
On this episode, I interview the brilliant Sinéad Whelehan – an empath, psychic, synesthete, energy healer, intuitive and experiencer from Canada – who describes some of her contact experiences and how they’ve transformed her life.Whelehan, an educator by trade, has recently worked with famed ufologist Grant Cameron and there gained valuable experience as researcher and interviewer. She’s also assisted the Beyond Being Human project in 2021 by conducting interviews and hosting discussion panels. In this discussion we talk about some of her formative experiences, how recent disclosures around governmental use of psionics might impact experiencers, and whether it’s safe or advisable for folks to attempt contact on their own, through CE-5 or related protocols.We also discuss where her encounters have led her, in terms of ontological belief, and whether humanity is in fact evolving its consciousness as a species.Importantly, we also talk about the long-rumored cultivation of psychic children and how, as an educator, she feels about such possibilities. ——————-Music Credits:Music: Cinematic Logo 04 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8221-cinematic-logo-04Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseMusic: Technology Calm Logo 01 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6660-technology-calm-logo-01Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license---Neon Galactic is a production of PBS affiliate KEET-TV in Eureka, CA. Please don’t forget to like and subscribe. Public television can always use your support. I’d especially like to thank the Neon Flux team, and other friends of the show: Dr. Chris Avis, David Stuss, the two Lauras, Paul France, Trevor Shikaze and Andrea Actis. On X:@jfrickingfaulk@sinead_whelehanOn Instagram:@20_aisling_18#disclosure #neongalactic #aliens #psi #materialism #ufo #consciousness #phenomenon #NDE #spirits #OBE #cia #immaculateconstellation #elizondo #spook #MIC
Kelly Chase -- Neon Galactic -- Episode 74
On this episode of Neon Galactic, we sit down with writer, podcaster and producer Kelly Chase to discuss “Cosmosis: UFOs and a New Reality,” the documentary series she produced along with Jay Christopher King and others, as part of Ontocalypse Productions. We also discuss the UFO community’s passionate pursuit of disclosure from the government, and how that dependence on governmental information may lead to more manipulation and confusion. It can also keep people from having – and trusting – contact experiences of their own.If we consider who now leads the ongoing disclosure conversation, a group made up of former intel officials who maintain their security clearances, and get DOPSR approval for everything they release, can we be sure of their independence? This is not meant to villainize figures in the field, but rather encourage a critical awareness about where our information comes from. Officials in the national security sphere will always prioritize the state over the individual, and if the state’s interests can arguably lie in continued obfuscation of the truth, we can never be sure that the data we receive from the government – or its operatives, past and present – represents ground-level truth. Therefore, the UFO field needs to pursue and develop other means of getting at the truth, and for exploring their own capacities. Chase has become a well-known and trusted figure in the UFO conversation, and her insights have helped to broaden the topic and push the conversation beyond shiny lights in the sky to include consciousness and human potential. Through her book, “The UFO Rabbit Hole,” and its associated podcast, as well as the community that sprung up in its wake, Chase has become a leading light in the overall conversation. Spoiler Alert: We discuss details from the series that may give the viewer a sense of what the first season of Cosmosis contains.To learn more:https://linktr.ee/uforabbithole ——————-Music Credits:Music: Cinematic Logo 04 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8221-cinematic-logo-04Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseMusic: Technology Calm Logo 01 by TaigaSoundProdFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6660-technology-calm-logo-01Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license---Neon Galactic is a production of PBS affiliate KEET-TV in Eureka, CA. Please don’t forget to like and subscribe. Public television can always use your support. I’d especially like to thank the Neon Flux team, and other friends of the show: Dr. Chris Avis, David Stuss, the two Lauras, Paul France, Trevor Shikaze and Andrea Actis. On X:@jfrickingfaulk@ufo_rabbit_hole#cosmosis #ontocalypse #disclosure #uforabbithole #neongalactic #aliens #psi #materialism #ufo #consciousness #phenomenon #NDE #spirits #OBE #cia #immaculateconstellation #elizondo #spook #MIC
A production of PBS affiliate KEET-TV, in Eureka, CA. Interviews and such with fascinating folks on the leading edge of discovery around topics like UAPs, UFOs, NHI, Consciousness, psychedelics, NDEs, mysticism, psi, philosophy, technology, shamanism, esotericism, magick, meditation, and more. It’s time to re-enchant ourselves and realize the limits and pitfalls of strict materialism.