What gifts can contemplative spirituality offer to a world that is crying out for a greater Love and Freedom? Animated by a vision of interspiritual dialogue, m...
In this inaugural episode, Thomas McConkie introduces the lost jewel of contemplation in the Christian tradition. He shares a brief spiritual autobiography, invites the listener to come see for themselves, then dives right in with a wisdom bomb from Howard Thurman: on cultivating atmosphere and spiritual presence. Upcoming workshop: Thomas will be in Salt Lake City May 15-17 to guide students through practices from his recent book, At-One-Ment. Scholarships and financial aid always available.
Sunset, Sunrise
The sun is setting on Mindfulness+. She lived a good, full life. But don’t fret! Where there is a sunset, there is always a sunrise. Look for a new podcast, One Heart One Mind, by Thomas McConkie on this same feed in the coming days.
Episode 25: The Preciousness of Death
You’ve heard something like this before—without death, we could never know the preciousness of life. When a loved one falls ill, suddenly our relationship with them is imbued with an entirely new quality. But what happens when the loved one who falls ill isn’t human? What if it’s a lake whose life we mourn? In this season finale, Thomas shares about a close friend of his who initiated him in death, and Great Salt Lake, who is now in dangerous decline. He invites us all to reconsider what personhood is, and what it might mean to open our hearts to the lands that sustain us. If you feel fed by the show, please support Mindfulness+ by sharing with a friend, leaving a review or making a tax-deductible donation to Lower Lights School of Wisdom. We’re grateful for your support! Want more guidance from Thomas? Come to our monthly online practitioners retreat. Have a practice question for Thomas? Leave a voicemail Voicemail. We would love to hear from you. Also, check out Thomas’s new book here
Episode 24: Divine Confusion
Confusion gets a bad rap. When we feel clear, when we know who we are and where our life is headed, we often suppose that this is a desirable way to be. On the other hand, when we feel confused, it’s as if we can’t quite relax. There’s a queasiness in our body that we long to get rid of. But what if clarity and confusion are just two facets of a single gem? What if we need confusion to truly be clear, and clarity to unlock the power of “divine confusion?” Have a listen to this episode and see if your relationship to confusion doesn’t start to shift straight away. If you feel fed by the show, please support Mindfulness+ by sharing with a friend, leaving a review or making a tax-deductible donation to Lower Lights School of Wisdom. We’re grateful for your support! Want more guidance from Thomas? Come to our monthly online practitioners retreat. Have a practice question for Thomas? Leave a voicemail Voicemail. We would love to hear from you. Also, check out Thomas’s new book here
Episode 23: How to Be Love
A colleague of mine recently asked me, “How do we be love?” As soon as he asked, I felt any intellectual response buckle under the weight of his question. There were no words. But I walked around with the question, and let it in deep. The following meditation arose out of that inquiry, which I’m honored to share with you here. Love and Blessings on your day. -Thomas If you feel fed by the show, please support Mindfulness+ by sharing with a friend, leaving a review or making a tax-deductible donation to Lower Lights School of Wisdom. We’re grateful for your support! Want more guidance from Thomas? Come to our monthly online practitioners retreat. Have a practice question for Thomas? Leave a voicemail Voicemail. We would love to hear from you. Also, check out Thomas’s new book here
What gifts can contemplative spirituality offer to a world that is crying out for a greater Love and Freedom? Animated by a vision of interspiritual dialogue, meditation teacher Thomas McConkie searches Christianity and the world’s Wisdom traditions for gems and insights into awakening, transformation, and the soul’s journey Home. One Heart One Mind is both a podcast and sacred space where you can come to rest, deepen your connection with the Divine, and let your heart be as big as it actually is.
One Heart One Mind is a proud member of the Faith Matters Podcast Network. Learn more at faithmatters.org.