Lisa Laizure teaches a Women's Bible Study in Phoenix Arizona. Her greatest desire is to have women connect the dots between their everyday life and their fait...
The Bible says I have died to sin. We are free from the bondage of sin. But if that’s the case, why DO I still sin? Then we will talk about what we need to do with the sin that creeps up in our life and we will learn that sin is a predator!
Acting like a Christian (Lisa’s 2017 rant)
Rejection and the Lord's Prayer read by Melania Trump. Today is my 2017 rant regarding how people claiming to be Christians so often don't act like Christians and it is a reminder to us that to follow Jesus means we need to love and care for others!
Being DIFFERENT is a good thing!
The disciples were all different. They had different jobs and different personalities. These were the men who would carry the message of Jesus into the world and the good news is that means God wants to use us all!
EVIDENCE that I am a TRUE Christian
How do I know if I am a cultural Christian or a true born-again Christian? 2 Corinthians 13:5 says we need to examine ourselves so let’s do that today!
Looking at REJECTION through God’s eyes
Rejection. We have all felt it but when God was choosing a new disciple after Judas, the guy who WASN’T picked for the job never felt rejected because he saw God’s hand in it all. Today let’s talk about that!
Lisa Laizure teaches a Women's Bible Study in Phoenix Arizona. Her greatest desire is to have women connect the dots between their everyday life and their faith in Jesus. She believes strongly in the sovereignty of God and in the Bible as our final authority. Her passion is getting fellow Christians to understand the importance of reading and studying God’s Word on a daily basis. She and her husband Rob have written nine books including "Remind Me" and "Discouraged”.