Lisa Laizure teaches a Women's Bible Study in Phoenix Arizona. Her greatest desire is to have women connect the dots between their everyday life and their fait...
People say weird things about the Holy Spirit. They attribute things to Him that He probably didn’t do. The Holy Spirit told them to get a divorce. The Holy Spirit told them to marry that non-Christian. Does the Holy Spirit REALLY say these kinds of things to people? Join us today as we begin our series in Acts!
Fulfilled Bible Prophecy. The odds are staggering
Bible Prophecy. God tells us in advance what is going to happen and then it does like 300 prophecies about Jesus! Today we will do a connect the dots puzzle with 17 of these prophecies to show you why you CAN and SHOULD believe the Bible!
Final Eternal Resting Place: A New Heaven and New Earth
What is our final eternal resting place? The 1000-year reign is over. Satan is thrown into the lake of fire. The final judgment is over. Then what? How about a new heaven and a new earth?! Join us today as Joel Richardson answers this question from our End Times Timeline Conference.
Filling Time or Fulfilling Purpose
A lot of people are bored in life. They watch TV and play sports or spend time on their hobby which aren’t bad things but is that what we are living for? We have a purpose in life and as a follower of Jesus – our purpose is to serve God in this life. Join us today as we ask ourselves “Am I filling time or fulfilling my God-given purpose?”
As Christians the ELECTIONS don't change THIS for us!
The 2024 Elections are finally over. We have a winner. But as a Christian - a follower of Jesus - does it REALLY matter who sits in the White House? Does that change our purpose in life?
Lisa Laizure teaches a Women's Bible Study in Phoenix Arizona. Her greatest desire is to have women connect the dots between their everyday life and their faith in Jesus. She believes strongly in the sovereignty of God and in the Bible as our final authority. Her passion is getting fellow Christians to understand the importance of reading and studying God’s Word on a daily basis. She and her husband Rob have written nine books including "Remind Me" and "Discouraged”.