Raised by Hippies and shaken by anti Mormon views, Amber shares the miracles that strengthened her.
"So here I am just one after another. I was smart enough to recognize Satan should have been a little more subtle because this was way too obvious. It was clear that I was under attack and especially that my husband had just been called to be Bishop. I'm like, okay. So I had enough wisdom to step back and recognize that. It still didn't take away from the fact that I cried myself to sleep every night. I didn't know the answers to all this information that I had been overwhelmed with. And my husband could answer some of it, but not all of it. He was a new bishop and I just didn't know what to do. For the first time, my faith was really shaken."Come Back Team:Director, Founder & Host: Ashly StoneProducer: Lauren RoseOutreach Manager: Jenna CarlsonEditor: Cara ReedAssistant Editor: Michelle BergerArt Director: Jeremy Garcia
Tiffany had doubts about the church and the Temple, then returns and feels closer to God than ever.
"I am so glad that I've been on both ends because to feel what it actually feels like is really cool. So many times I'd be like, 'what if I wouldn't have come back? I wouldn't have had this experience. And I wouldn't be able to associate with these people in the way that I have been.' And every time I was just so thankful that there was a desire in me that never gave up looking for Jesus. And that other people listened to the Spirit and came and found me, you know? All the time I'm like, thank you for letting me come back. I'm so glad I'm back."Come Back Team:Director, Founder & Host: Ashly StoneProducer: Lauren RoseOutreach Manager: Jenna CarlsonEditor: Cara ReedAssistant Editor: Michelle BergerArt Director: Jeremy GarciaEpisode sponsor: Serve Clothinghttps://serveclothing.com/?gad_source=1https://mikesautoshack.com/
Jennifer shares how the Savior helps her overcome personal challenges at church and how she came back from 'quiet quitting."
"Sometimes at school I would go into the bathroom when I was just having a really bad day at school and I would just close the door on the stall and pray: 'If I'm doing the right thing, I need your help.' And I just remember feeling my Heavenly Father's love just pour over me. It was tangible. You know, He's there for these hard things that we experience. He is absolutely there."https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/abuse-how-to-help/preventing-and-responding-to-abuse?lang=enghttps://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/callings/safety/protecting-children-and-youth?lang=enghttps://thirtyoneeight.org/@jen_forhealthychurcheshttps://mikesautoshack.com/Come Back Team:Director, Founder & Host: Ashly StoneProducer: Lauren RoseOutreach Manager: Jenna CarlsonEditor: Cara ReedAssistant Editor: Michelle BergerArt Director: Jeremy GarciaEpisode sponsor: Serve Clothinghttps://serveclothing.com/?gad_source=1
The murder of Ashley's brother shook her faith - until she started noticing miracles around her.
CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains sensitive content that may be triggering or offensive to some audiences. Parental discretion is advised."The trial is going to be coming up either at the end of this year or possibly at the beginning of next year. So I'm still going to be going through this. I still have to sit through a full trial. But now I have a lot more strength and armor on me. I am preparing for it to be hard, so I just have to find strength in the Savior. I remember praying one night about forgiveness and how sometimes when you hold that stuff inside it can eat away at you. It's like poison inside of you. And I thought, 'how could I ever pray to allow forgiveness for murder? That one's too big.' So as I was praying about it, I just thought, 'All I can do is pray that the savior will carry the burden that I feel from losing someone to murder.' And in that moment that's what I did. I said, 'I don't know what this looks like, but I need you to carry this for me.' The Savior never once has let me down with asking Him to carry a burden. It doesn't matter what kind, whether it's overcoming depression, losing people or financial loss, the Savior's love is there, He carries all burdens. So I've learned through all this that he can carry anything."https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copy-of-come-back-to-christ-tickets-1209945723229?aff=oddtdtcreatorhttps://mikesautoshack.com/Come Back Team:Director, Founder & Host: Ashly StoneProducer: Lauren RoseOutreach Manager: Jenna CarlsonEditor: Cara ReedAssistant Editor: Michelle BergerArt Director: Jeremy GarciaEpisode sponsor: Serve Clothinghttps://serveclothing.com/?gad_source=1
After being stripped of his pride, Rico works through his faith crisis and grows closer to Jesus Christ.
"Just as the Psalmist said, 'pride goeth before the fall.' And boy, did I learn that lesson. If I were to boil it down to what is the one thing that is different about me from before my crisis and after my crisis, it is that I was stripped, completely stripped, of my pride. The Lord needed to compel me to be humble. I was one of those foolish ones that needed to be compelled to be humble. I think of all the things I learned through that experience, I'd like to think that now I am a more humble person. I no longer aspire for those callings, which was a big part of who I was through most of my adult life. I now see other people in a different way. I see people with greater love and greater compassion. I just feel the love of the Savior as I look at each person. I just see people through a different lens because that pride is being stripped away."Rico's Book: Enduring a Crisis of Faithhttps://amzn.to/4342sg3https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copy-of-come-back-to-christ-tickets-1209945723229?aff=oddtdtcreatorhttps://mikesautoshack.com/Come Back Team:Director, Founder & Host: Ashly StoneProducer: Lauren RoseOutreach Manager: Jenna CarlsonEditor: Cara ReedAssistant Editor: Michelle BergerArt Director: Jeremy GarciaEpisode Sponsor: Brick House Recovery https://brickhouserecovery.com/
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