Meet Cute Originals: your go-to, ever-growing library of romantic comedies, fantasies, and dramas. Discover a new serialized, addictive audio series every month...
Meet Cute Presents: Power Ten - Part 5, an underdog drama. The night before the race against rival Birchwood, Captain forces Greg to injure Ron. Ron demands to row in the race anyway. Story by Jared Levy. Produced and Directed by Julia Thompson. Sound Edit, Mix and Design by Teeny Lieberson. Story Editor: Amarlie Foster. Director of Creative Production: Lucie Ledbetter. Starring: Nate Janis, Aubie Merrylees, River Ramirez, Tom Donoghue, Adam Karp.
Follow @MeetCute on Instagram and @MeetCuteRomComs on Twitter & TikTok. Join our Patreon community for free to share your reactions and feedback on our series and get cool perks, like sneak peeks, early listening, and more!Check out our other rom-coms, including KERRI with Pauline Chalamet, IMPERFECT MATCH with Arden Cho, and DUMP HIM! with Minnie Mills.Check out our other dramas, including FIRE & ICE with Chiara Aurelia and Jack Martin, and POWER TEN. Check out our other fantasies, including A PROPHECY OF INCENSE AND SNOW and I’VE BECOME A TRUE VILLAINESS. Have a crush on us? Follow Meet Cute, rate us 5 stars, and leave a review!
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Power Ten - Part 4
Meet Cute Presents: Power Ten - Part 4, an underdog drama. Dawn informs Greg that Ron is caught up in the team’s intense hazing culture. Still at odds with each other, Greg confronts Ron unsuccessfully on the eve of an erg test. Story by Jared Levy. Produced and Directed by Julia Thompson. Sound Edit, Mix and Design by Teeny Lieberson. Story Editor: Amarlie Foster. Director of Creative Production: Lucie Ledbetter. Starring: Nate Janis, Aubie Merrylees, Tom Donoghue, River Ramirez, Adam Karp.
Follow @MeetCute on Instagram and @MeetCuteRomComs on Twitter & TikTok. Join our Patreon community for free to share your reactions and feedback on our series and get cool perks, like sneak peeks, early listening, and more!Check out our other rom-coms, including KERRI with Pauline Chalamet, IMPERFECT MATCH with Arden Cho, and DUMP HIM! with Minnie Mills.Check out our other dramas, including FIRE & ICE with Chiara Aurelia and Jack Martin, and POWER TEN. Check out our other fantasies, including A PROPHECY OF INCENSE AND SNOW and I’VE BECOME A TRUE VILLAINESS. Have a crush on us? Follow Meet Cute, rate us 5 stars, and leave a review!
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Power Ten - Part 3
Meet Cute Presents: Power Ten - Part 3, an underdog drama. Dawn breaks up the fight between Greg and Captain, but at the cost of her position in the varsity eight. Captain suspends Greg from all team activities for a week. Story by Jared Levy. Produced and Directed by Julia Thompson. Sound Edit, Mix and Design by Teeny Lieberson. Story Editor: Amarlie Foster. Director of Creative Production: Lucie Ledbetter. Starring: Nate Janis, Aubie Merrylees, Tom Donoghue, River Ramirez.
Follow @MeetCute on Instagram and @MeetCuteRomComs on Twitter & TikTok. Join our Patreon community for free to share your reactions and feedback on our series and get cool perks, like sneak peeks, early listening, and more!Check out our other rom-coms, including KERRI with Pauline Chalamet, IMPERFECT MATCH with Arden Cho, and DUMP HIM! with Minnie Mills.Check out our other dramas, including FIRE & ICE with Chiara Aurelia and Jack Martin, and POWER TEN. Check out our other fantasies, including A PROPHECY OF INCENSE AND SNOW and I’VE BECOME A TRUE VILLAINESS. Have a crush on us? Follow Meet Cute, rate us 5 stars, and leave a review!
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Power Ten - Part 2
Meet Cute Presents: Power Ten - Part 2, an underdog drama. Greg and Ron are introduced to the Alderbridge crew team by way of threats, insults, and intense training led by Captain. Greg is kicked out of the novice heavyweight eight in favor of Ron. Things come to a head at a party. Story by Jared Levy. Produced and Directed by Julia Thompson. Sound Edit, Mix and Design by Teeny Lieberson. Story Editor: Amarlie Foster. Director of Creative Production: Lucie Ledbetter. Starring: Nate Janis, Aubie Merrylees, Tom Donoghue, River Ramirez.Â
Follow @MeetCute on Instagram and @MeetCuteRomComs on Twitter & TikTok. Join our Patreon community for free to share your reactions and feedback on our series and get cool perks, like sneak peeks, early listening, and more!Check out our other rom-coms, including KERRI with Pauline Chalamet, IMPERFECT MATCH with Arden Cho, and DUMP HIM! with Minnie Mills.Check out our other dramas, including FIRE & ICE with Chiara Aurelia and Jack Martin, and POWER TEN. Check out our other fantasies, including A PROPHECY OF INCENSE AND SNOW and I’VE BECOME A TRUE VILLAINESS. Have a crush on us? Follow Meet Cute, rate us 5 stars, and leave a review!
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Power Ten - Part 1
Meet Cute Presents: Power Ten - Part 1, an underdog drama. Greg Culver, the privileged son of a championship rower, is given an ultimatum: either join the crew team at his father’s alma mater, Alderbridge College, or be cut off financially. Story by Jared Levy. Produced and Directed by Julia Thompson. Sound Edit, Mix and Design by Teeny Lieberson. Story Editor: Amarlie Foster. Director of Creative Production: Lucie Ledbetter. Starring: Nate Janis, Aubie Merrylees, Tom Donoghue.Â
Follow @MeetCute on Instagram and @MeetCuteRomComs on Twitter & TikTok. Join our Patreon community for free to share your reactions and feedback on our series and get cool perks, like sneak peeks, early listening, and more!Check out our other rom-coms, including KERRI with Pauline Chalamet, IMPERFECT MATCH with Arden Cho, and DUMP HIM! with Minnie Mills.Check out our other dramas, including FIRE & ICE with Chiara Aurelia and Jack Martin, and POWER TEN. Check out our other fantasies, including A PROPHECY OF INCENSE AND SNOW and I’VE BECOME A TRUE VILLAINESS. Have a crush on us? Follow Meet Cute, rate us 5 stars, and leave a review!
Meet Cute Originals: your go-to, ever-growing library of romantic comedies, fantasies, and dramas. Discover a new serialized, addictive audio series every month, with episodes released twice weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays.
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