In the Wasatch was created by the Salt Lake City local government entity, the Central Wasatch Commission (CWC). The CWC is dedicated to protecting the Central W...
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) with Kirk Nichols
Our environment is the foundation of life in local communities. With continuous development, it's crucial to monitor the level of impact imposed on the surrounding water, soil, and inhabitants. The National Environmental Policy Act, commonly known as NEPA, is the law that protects surrounding environments from potential damage. Kirk Nichols joins me in this episode to dive into what NEPA is and how the law is applied in the Central Wasatch.More Information:National Environmental Policy Act | US EPAWhat is the National Environmental Policy Act? | US EPANational Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 101 | Bureau of Land ManagementCentral Wasatch Commission - Facebook - X
Central Wasatch Symposium Live Podcast
The first annual Central Wasatch Symposium was a success! The event was held on January 9th and 10th, 2025, at Millcreek City Hall, with various speakers and organizations in attendance. To capture the experience, we walked around in between breakout sessions to hear what attendees and speakers had to say. This episode highlights each person's perspective on the conference and the overall impact of the event.
Special thanks to everyone who was interviewed: Molly Chien; Amy Brunvand from Great Old Broads for Wilderness; Adam Shaw from the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest; Barbara Cameron; Mayor Silvestrini of Millcreek; Lee Ann Hansen; Ella Abelli-Amen from Cottonwood Canyons Foundation; and Andrew Gruber from Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC).
Want to learn more about the Central Wasatch Symposium? Go to the CWC's website to learn more and stay tuned for next year's event!
Learn more here -
The First Annual Central Wasatch Symposium
The CWC’s first annual Central Wasatch Symposium is right around the corner! This two-day conference is an educational event spotlighting the four systems of the Central Wasatch: economy, environment, recreation, and transportation. The CWC’s Executive Director, Lindsey Nielsen, and Director of Operations, Sam Kilpack, will be with me announcing the Symposium and discussing what this event will look like.
Learn more about the Central Wasatch Symposium here!
CWC Website:
CWNCRA Series: Each Iteration of the Bill
The CWNCRA series continues with a new episode reviewing iterations of the bill and the changes made over time. The CWC’s Executive Director Lindsey Nielsen and Director of Operations Sam Kilpack will be with me reviewing each version of the CWNCRA. As a reminder, the Central Wasatch National Conservation and Recreation Area Act, also known as the CWNCRA, is a federal, consensus-based bill drafted by the Central Wasatch Commission aimed at protecting the sources of our drinking water, preserving recreational opportunities for the future, and ensuring enjoyment of the Central Wasatch Mountains in the face of pressures from a growing population. The purpose of this episode and the CWNCRA series is to inform people about the bill as the Central Wasatch Commission works towards its establishment.
CWNCRA Iterations:
CWC website:
CWNCRA Reading Episode
Hunting in the Central Wasatch with Caitlin Curry
We will be introducing you to Caitlin Curry who is part of Utah Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, an organization that supports county efforts to conserve public lands in ways that work for local communities and preserve their outdoor legacy for future generations. She is also a member of the CWC’s Stakeholders Council and participates on the Recreation System Committee.
Utah Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Website:
CWC Website:
In the Wasatch was created by the Salt Lake City local government entity, the Central Wasatch Commission (CWC). The CWC is dedicated to protecting the Central Wasatch Mountains through canyon transportation improvements, concentrated development, and environmental and recreational stewardship. Hosted by Community Outreach Coordinator Mia McNeil, In the Wasatch focuses on the CWC’s initiatives, issues in the Central Wasatch, and local advocates and organizations dedicated to a sustainable future. Learn more about the Central Wasatch Commission at