”Communicating with You, the Member” is a podcast from APWU President Mark Dimondstein that will get you the latest news and updates about our union’s fights fo...
What You Need to Know: Contract Negotiations, Social Security Justice, Early Retirement, and the NALC Vote
President Dimondstein has a lot to address this episode. Legislative/Political Director Judy Beard shares how members helped pass the SSFA, APWU Retirees Director Nancy Olumekor joins to talk about the new Voluntary Early Retirement option, and Industrial Relations Director Charlie Cash comes on for a bargaining update.
Negotiations, Election Mail, and Social Security: What's Next for APWU
APWU President Mark Dimondstein talks bargaining with USPS, election mail successes, and the fight for fair Social Security benefits. Joined by Legislative Director Judy Beard, they explore challenges ahead and the power of union solidarity.
LIVE: APWU Presidential Election Town Hall Livestream
On October 16, APWU President Mark Dimondstein and Legislative and Political Director Judy Beard held a livestream to talk about the 2024 Presidential Election, APWU's endorsement of Kamala Harris, and more. Listen to the audio from the livestream here.
To get involved in electoral work, text VOLUNTEER to 91990 or go to apwu.org/volunteer.
HATCH ACT WARNING: Do not share or comment on this video while on USPS property. Learn more here: https://apwu.org/hatch-act-election
BONUS EPISODE: Listen to the Sept-Oct APWU Magazine
Bonus Episode: Listen to the audio version of the September/October 2024 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine!
APWU Bargaining Update - Stop the Clock
Negotiations aren't over yet - the APWU and USPS have agreed to "Stop the Clock" on the expiration of our current contract (set to expire at midnight on September 20). The APWU will continue to keep the members updated as we continue to bargain for a new union contract, including regular messages on the negotiation “hotline” at (202) 642-9049, our website (apwu.org), and on our social media channels.
”Communicating with You, the Member” is a podcast from APWU President Mark Dimondstein that will get you the latest news and updates about our union’s fights for the welfare of postal workers but also underscores the pivotal role they play in delivering a vital public service. By fostering dialogue and knowledge-sharing, this podcast ushers in a new era of discourse, solidifying our union’s commitment to growing the labor movement and the advancement of postal excellence. Tune in and learn more about the work happening through our union and in the USPS.