FDA Watch is a twice-monthly, national podcast that provides an independent, non-partisan forum for discussing and understanding the latest developments, trends...
Key Pharmaceutical Regulation Issues for the New Administration
In our first episode, Shelly and Wayne chat with Nikki Reeves, Partner in the FDA & Life Sciences practice at King & Spalding, and Brian Malkin, Associate General Counsel for Regulatory Law at Teva Pharmaceuticals. You’ll hear their thoughts on the top priorities in pharmaceutical regulation for the next FDA commissioner and their insights on AI policy, patient voices, and other front-burner issues. In our headlines segment, Shelly and Wayne delve into these major developments: Pharma: More than 200,000 Prescriptions for Wegovy Filled Devices: FDA Announces Communication Pilot on Recalls Food: Fruits & Vegetables: Are They Really Safe? Cosmetics: FDA Issue Final Rule on Color Additive Certification Fees In our Resource Links segment, we listed key documents in our fore core areas. To view these links, subscribe, or find out more information about our podcast, visit FDAWatch.net. Want to be a sponsor, marketing partner, or guest, or provide feedback on the podcast? Email us at [email protected]. Music by Dvir Silver from Pixabay.
Welcome to FDA Watch, a twice-monthly, national podcast that provides an independent, non-partisan forum for discussing and understanding the latest developments, trends, and issues involving FDA. Hosts Shelly Garg and Wayne Pines will dive into compelling conversations with a diverse array of FDA-focused professionals, who shed light on the developments shaping the future of FDA. Visit FDAWatch.net to subscribe today! Music by Dvir Silver from Pixabay.
FDA Watch is a twice-monthly, national podcast that provides an independent, non-partisan forum for discussing and understanding the latest developments, trends, and issues involving FDA. The podcast focuses on four core areas: pharmaceuticals and biologics; medical devices and diagnostics; food and dietary supplements; and cosmetics and personal care products, as well as on the overall direction of FDA regulation. The podcast also will have bonus episodes to cover breaking news. Podcast guests analyze FDA regulations, guidances, and policy developments and engage in insightful and revealing conversations with the co-hosts: Wayne Pines, former FDA associate commissioner and author/editor of 16 books about FDA, and Shelly Garg, principal at Garg Law, an FDA-focused law firm and a frequent writer on FDA issues. Subscribers to the podcast include regulatory affairs specialists, food and drug attorneys, policymakers, government officials, strategic planners, and IT and cybersecurity professionals.