We’re Dino and Ashley Petrone. We’re not professional podcasters, but we have a passion for advocating for marriages. After 18 years of marriage, we’ve seen God...
It’s a huge week for Dino and Ashley of @arrowsandbow as they share some big news and upcoming life changes. As they embark on ‘season 6 of the Petrone chaos’, they are sharing what exactly the changes to come are and how they landed on the decisions they have made for their family. The two discuss how getting through the hard things and showing their kids resiliance are the perfect way to learn and teach them from life’s challenges. But through it all, they continue to invest in The Kingdom - giving God glory and concentrating on their behavior reflecting the Lord. Episode #34 is a must listen - get ready for the next season of @designedtolast podcast as the family embarks on late Spring adventures in Europe and follow along with the Petrones on their new chapter of adventure and family focus!
#33 - The Four Pillars
Decked out in new gear, Ashley and Dino of @arrowsandbow are dissecting the four pillars of relationship connection this week on Episode #33 of Designed To Last. They break down how to cultivate connection by defining each pillar and sharing thoughts on how the overflow of each into the other can to fulfillment of both parties. Join the pair this week as they discuss intentionality, loving the attributes of your spouse and the importance of putting emphasis on both physical and mental health.
#32 - Restore with Love
This week, Dino and Ashley of @arrowsandbow are discussing the importance of respect, love, and truth as He would respond - not only in marriage but in everyday relationships. How can you be a person that builds up your people - out of love, not correction - and with Jesus Christ?Connect with them during episode #32 as they consider whether confrontation is sinful, and at the same time how not ‘speaking up’ can lead to unfruitful and disruptive relationships. It’s another amazing, relatable conversation with the duo that exemplifies how to further your relationship with your spouse, the Lord and in addition friends and family.
#31 - The True Christian Walk
The True Christian walk On episode #31 of @designedtolastpodcast, Ashley of (@arrowsandbow)and Dino Petrone are coining the phrase ‘slaying times are good times’ and speaking about how through trials you may look to ‘avoid the battle’, but by taking the road less taken, fighting the battle and getting through it is what grows us - both in your strength within’ yourself and your marriage but also with your relationship with the Lord. This week’s episode begs the question, how can we ‘walk the walk’ and ‘talk the talk’ of christianity, both to allow Him to change the hearts of ourselves and others and forgive the way Christ forgave us? When we ask ‘why Lord’ but yet in the same breath say ‘thank you Lord’ - how can we continue to thank Him instead of questioning His path? What people are saying: ‘I’m loving the podcast. Last few have hit me different. Like taking notes and writing down reminders. So good. The way you 2 balance and complement each other adds such value. So refreshing to have both perspectives. Thank you!’
#30 - Let's Have Fun
Episode 30 has dropped and this week on @designedtolastpodcast with authors Dino Petrone and Ashley Petrone [ @arrowsandbow ] are getting back to FUN and asking the tough question: How do we still find joy and have fun during the trials and hard times in life? Along with ensuring your house is a place of peace, not allowing the outside stresses of the world and work to come home with you and prioritizing ‘getting your house in order”, the couple breaks down how to enjoy your life despite the stress and noise.This week, let’s make the goal to find a way to have fun with your spouse, and let’s start here - join Ashley and Dino in finding your joy!
We’re Dino and Ashley Petrone. We’re not professional podcasters, but we have a passion for advocating for marriages. After 18 years of marriage, we’ve seen God move in mighty ways through our lives. We've navigated multiple moves, parenting four children, owning businesses, experiencing a miscarriage, living the influencer life, and even living in a trailer.
We’re excited to take this journey with you on our podcast, "Designed To Last." We’ll be sharing boldly and openly in the hopes of connecting and growing with you. Tune in for new episodes every Friday at 9 a.m. EST. Instagram: @designe