The Village Church exists to bring glory to God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered community, gospel-centered service and gosp...
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From the miry mines of humanity, God has seen fit to excavate, clean, and begin the slow work of making us look more like His treasured Son. He chisels away what isn’t needed and forms us into a people of His own possession.
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The Doorway and the Pathway
All of humankind’s greatest achievements pale in comparison to the work of our greater God. In mercy, He has called us to join Him in this work. Faith started this journey, and it will sustain us along the way.
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Get in the Game
God desires kids and students to know and worship Him. The harvest is plentiful! And if we are willing, we can perpetuate this gospel legacy, showing the next generation who their true Savior is.
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Priests in the House of God
We do not live as consumers of divine goods, but as priests on duty offering God a sacrifice of praise. We will proclaim His excellencies for generations to come.
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God loves the people of the world and has a strategy to reach them. God made peace between us and Himself and has entrusted us to bring the gospel to the world as ministers of His reconciliation.
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About The Village Church - Sermons
The Village Church exists to bring glory to God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered community, gospel-centered service and gospel-centered multiplication.