High brow art… low brow tea! Our podcast is a light dive into your favorite artists juicy drama. Art is for everyone on this show and we’re serving it with a si...
OMG we are so sorry for the delay here! Chelsea got sick, the time changed, Springing Forward is officially kicking our ass... but boy oh boy did we LOVE getting together to talk about our favorite boy... Keith Haring. This guy never failed to stay true to himself, making the whole art world question if art truly is for everyone... well you know how we feel about that... a big HELL YEAH ART IS FOR EVERYONE LIKE DUH WHAT ARE WE EVEN DOING?!?1?!?!?!.sda,nlkajdsf;lakjsd ;!? ??
Okay okay okay, we love you. Thanks for listening and your patience.
The Baroque B's
Robert Mapplethorpe: The Quest for the Perfect Penis!
I mean... if you're not pissing off somebody are you even doing it right? In a world where "don't yuck somebody's yum" is now a direct order, we have to remember to pay homage to those who pioneered acceptance of sexual liberation! Come join us as we talk about some of the first photographed DICK PICS to enter that high art world and how Robert Mapplethorpe gets them there!
The BB's
Mike Kelley: California Dreamin'
What do stuffed animals, Superman and conference rooms all have in common? They've all made it into the heart and art of the star of this episodes show! Yes, there were not a lot of stones unturned by this disruptive artist, and though we do think we get it... we do not always agree. Come find out what you think! There will be seethrough dresses, there will be discomfort, and there will be fun!
The BB's
Camille Claudel: It's Complicated!
Oof, boy this has been a rough week amirite? Between natural disasters and general malaise, it's been hard to gain the motivation to just keep on keepin' on. But then I think about our girl Cami and realize... it is not so bad.... the rumors are rough and tough in this one. We hope for her sake some are not true....
Come join along for the art, stay for the tea!
We love you!
Eugene Delacroix: March On!
LET’s GOOOO!!! It’s a tale as old as time - rich guy rules people, rich guy exploits people, people get pissed, people kill rich guy…. It’s happened before, it’s happening now AND WE’RE TALKING ABOUT IT! 👁️
About Baroque B*tches - An Art History Gossip Podcast
High brow art… low brow tea! Our podcast is a light dive into your favorite artists juicy drama. Art is for everyone on this show and we’re serving it with a side of steeping hot tea!New episode every Wednesday! Come learn with us!Love you,Xoxo - Baroque B’sIG: Baroque.B.PodcastNow on Patreon! #artpodcast #arthistorypodcast