You know those arguments you have with your friends in the group chat or barbershop about who is thebest shooter, best scorer, or who has the best handles of al...
In today’s episode we break down the “lost art” of rebounding, and the era of the 90’s that was once populated with big men who impacted the results of games through physicality, grit, and by displaying a unique IQ. It’s time to debate who did the dirty work and cleaned the glass best. Unanimous Podcast Presents: G.O.T.E. - Greatest of Their EraSee for privacy information.
Live from All-Star with Steph Curry on Greatest Shooters of 2000s
For our first episode, we broadcast live from NBA All-Star Weekend 2025 in the Bay Area to discuss who was the greatest shooter of the 2000’s with none other than the greatest shooter of THIS time, Stephen Curry. Stay tuned to find out who made his list and why… Unanimous Podcast Presents: G.O.T.E. - Greatest of Their EraSee for privacy information.
Introducing: G.O.T.E. (Greatest of Their Era)
Unanimous Podcast Presents: G.O.T.E. - Greatest of Their EraSee for privacy information.
You know those arguments you have with your friends in the group chat or barbershop about who is thebest shooter, best scorer, or who has the best handles of all time? Well, now imagine one of your buddies is an eleven- year vet in the NBA, who has not only played against the game's best, but has a backstory to validate those debates.Join NBA vet Seth Curry and sports journalist Travonne Edwards in their new podcast: G.O.T.E. -- Greatest of Their Era. We re-contextualize the age-old GOAT debate by breaking down who is the greatest of their era in all the categories that you care about like: clutch shooter, lockdown defender, and one-on-one scorer. When considering eras everything changes: the rules, team style of play, everything. So G.O.T.E. provides parameters and criteria so that we can really define who's the best of the era. Part debate, part untold stories, join Tray, Seth, and an occasional legendary guest as they break down the argument over who really was the greatest of their era.
Unanimous Podcast Presents: G.O.T.E. - Greatest of Their Era
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