Ten years ago, Malcolm Smith was the host of “Strange Air”, a successful radio show about the paranormal. One night, during a live broadcast, Malcolm vanished i...
This is the first episode of an exciting thriller from the creator of The Strata.
Visit The Road of Shadows for more details.
You can find more information about Strange Air at Strange Air Podcast.
Contact: [email protected]
To advertise on our show, please contact Sean Howard at the Fable & Folly Network: [email protected].
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From the Creators of Strange Air
This is the first episode of Trap Street, a new mystery from the creators of Strange Air.
Future episodes will be posted on the Trap Street feed.
You can find more information about the show at Trap Street Podcast.
Contact: [email protected]
To advertise on our shows, please contact Sean Howard at the Fable & Folly Network: [email protected].
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Introducing: Dirt - An Audio Drama
This is the mysterious first episode of Dirt - An Audio Drama.
Visit the Dirt website for more details.
You can find more information about Strange Air at Strange Air Podcast.
Contact: [email protected]
To advertise on our show, please contact Sean Howard at the Fable & Folly Network: [email protected].
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An Interview about Strange Air
The creators of Strange Air are guests on "The First Episode Of".
You can find more information at Strange Air Podcast.
Contact: [email protected]
To advertise on our show, please contact Sean Howard at the Fable & Folly Network: [email protected].
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Episode 20: The Last Act
SERIES FINALE - Endings lead to beginnings.
The role of Chase Smith was played by Natalie Lander, and the role of Malcolm Smith was played by Patrick Fabian (Better Call Saul).
Strange Air was written and produced by Michael P. Greco and Tony Martinez.
You can find more information at Strange Air Podcast.
Contact: [email protected]
Our new mystery, Trap Street, is available on your favorite platform.
To advertise on our show, please contact Sean Howard at the Fable & Folly Network: [email protected].
Thanks for listening!
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Ten years ago, Malcolm Smith was the host of “Strange Air”, a successful radio show about the paranormal. One night, during a live broadcast, Malcolm vanished into thin air. To this day, no one knows what happened. Now his daughter, Chase Smith, is in her last year of film school and she’s making a documentary about her father’s disappearance.