In 1994, a dying wrestling territory and its ragtag group of misfits, try to make their way to the top of the wrestling world just ahead of a late 1990s resurge...
Episode Six: Turning Japanese (I Really Think So) The newest member of the RCW locker room (and his dude) have arrived mid-show as Ace, Handsome Ethan & Oscar Jr. have a booking stalemate for the main event. Adult Situations - Listener Discretion Advised New episodes available on the 1st & 15th of every month during Season One, everywhere you find your podcasts! Starring the voice talents of Amberly Nichols (Samantha Irons), Trent Shumway (Ace Anderson, Oscar Terwilliger Jr. & Tiny Owens), Noah James (Ricky Daniels), Randi Suazo (Bobbi-Ann Bradley), Matty Walter (Rattlesnake Blake), Owen Virgin (Handsome Ethan Andrews), JB (Darling Doug Graham) & Nick Judy (Mel Deltona); as well as the rest of the RCW Locker Room. Reno Championship Wrestling is produced by Brian Bradley, BMB Productions & Podcast's Trent Shumway. Original Music by Ian Maudlin Original art by Joe Hunter Thank you so much for listening to Reno Championship Wrestling an I Know A Place Production.
You Can't Always Get What You Want
Episode Five: You Can’t Always Get What You Want Samantha calls an emergency meeting to deal with Ace Anderson & Ethan Andrews after their promo went off the rails & Ricky gets to show off some moves during practice. Adult Situations - Listener Discretion Advised New episodes available on the 1st & 15th of every month during Season One, everywhere you find your podcasts! Starring the voice talents of Amberly Nichols (Samantha Irons), Trent Shumway (Ace Anderson & Tiny Owens), Noah James (Ricky Daniels), Randi Suazo (Bobbi-Ann Bradley), Owen Virgin (Handsome Ethan Andrews) & Matty Walter (Rattlesnake Blake); as well as the rest of the RCW Locker Room. Reno Championship Wrestling is produced by Brian Bradley, BMB Productions & Podcast's Trent Shumway. Original Music by Ian Maudlin Original art by Joe Hunter Thank you so much for listening to Reno Championship Wrestling an I Know A Place Production.
Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing
Episode Four: Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing Ace comes face to face with the challenger for the RCW Worlds Heavyweight Championship while Bobbi-Ann decides if she should take Ricky under her wing. Adult Situations - Listener Discretion Advised New episodes available on the 1st & 15th of every month during Season One, everywhere you find your podcasts! Starring the voice talents of Noah James (Ricky Daniels), Randi Suazo (Bobbi-Ann Bradley), Trent Shumway (Ace Anderson), Amberly Nichols (Samantha Irons) Owen Virgin (Handsome Ethan Andrews), as well as the rest of the RCW Locker Room. Reno Championship Wrestling is produced by Brian Bradley, BMB Productions & Podcast's Trent Shumway. Original Music by Ian Maudlin Original art by Joe Hunter Thank you so much for listening to Reno Championship Wrestling an I Know A Place Production.
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Episode Three: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap As life starts to get back to "normal" for Reno Championship Wrestling, Samantha & Del find out a business partner would like a little more control in how things are ran while Bobbi-Ann Bradley takes a stand about her current position and enlists the newest member of the locker room to help. Adult Situations - Listener Discretion Advised New episodes available on the 1st & 15th of every month during Season One, everywhere you find your podcasts! Starring the voice talents of Amberly Nichols (Samantha Irons), Trent Shumway (Oscar Terwilliger Jr., Tiny Owens), Noah James (Ricky Daniels), Randi Suazo (Bobbi-Ann Bradley) as well as the rest of the RCW Locker Room. Reno Championship Wrestling is produced by Brian Bradley, BMB Productions & Podcast's Trent Shumway. Original Music by Ian Maudlin Original art by Joe Hunter Thank you so much for listening to Reno Championship Wrestling an I Know A Place Production.
I Saw The Sign
Episode Two: I Saw The Sign Worry runs rampant through the RCW locker room after the events of last week’s show as Samantha addresses the future of Reno Championship Wrestling. Adult Situations - Listener Discretion Advised New episodes available on the 1st & 15th of every month during Season One, everywhere you find your podcasts! Starring the voice talents of Amberly Nichols (Samantha Irons), Matthew Walter (Rattlesnake Blake), Trent Shumway (Tiny Owens), Noah James (Ricky Daniels) Randi Suazo (Bobbi-Ann Bradley), as well as the rest of the RCW locker room. Reno Championship Wrestling is produced by Brian Bradley, BMB Productions & Podcast's Trent Shumway. Original Music by Ian Maudlin Original art by Joe Hunter Thank you so much for listening to Reno Championship Wrestling an I Know A Place Production.
In 1994, a dying wrestling territory and its ragtag group of misfits, try to make their way to the top of the wrestling world just ahead of a late 1990s resurgence in popularity.
New shows available the 1st & 15th of the month!
For more information about the RCW, please follow us @RenoChampionshipWrestling on Instagram, Facebook & most social media platforms.