A survey of the variety of Lewis and Clark-related National and State parks in Washington and Oregon, from the perspective of geography, history, and the indigenous peoples.
Lewis and Clark: Preserve These Fragile Lands
Richard Bash of the Clatsop tribe bids you 'Thanks and Safe Travels' and talks about how much has changed in the past 150 years. He talks about preserving these fragile lands for the enrichment of future generations.
Lewis and Clark: Clatsop Tribal Greetings!
The indigenous peoples of the area, the Clatsop tribe, greet you in their native tongue, then guide you through some of the highlights of this beautiful area.
Lewis And Clark: At the Mouth of the Columbia River
After trekking across North America, Louis and Clark reach the mouth of the Columbia River and found Fort Clatsop, in an area that was already well-populated by indigenous peoples. This is a walking tour that describes the area and its history.