Becoming Who You Came Here to Be is the adventure of a lifetime.
You have your own Essence, and your unique instruction manual on how you are meant to paint it...
In this episode we talk about the energy shifts that are happening on the planet right now - primarily that our dreams are up-leveling, daily life feels less ‘real’, and that we’re being urged to see our bodies as the house of our consciousness. Life is transitioning in a big way to being less matter-focused, and more frequency-focused, so this is not a small shift. Let’s talk about it.Download the 'Align: The Human Design App' in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE
What is Alignment?
Alignment is being your Real Self so you can walk the path you were destined to walk in this life. It is having your thoughts and actions come from your insides, rather than be dictated by what we witness in the outside world. We have a force inside of us that transcends logic and calculation - the mystical, Divine side of us. And this is the force that KNOWS Who we uniquely came here to be. We came all here to Become a version of the Divine that has never been seen before - and your Human Design gives you the manual on how to activate it. Here’s to your RisingDownload the 'Align: The Human Design App' in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE
The Aligned Way to ‘Make Everything About You’
Everyone comes on to this planet with extraordinary ‘giftedness’ potential. The journey of becoming our most actualized self is not only using and flexing those gifts so that they get stronger - it’s also about the consciousness and intention we put behind each one of those gifts. Every Gift in our Design has a low consciousness version of itself and a high consciousness version, and a whole spectrum in between. So often, any negative trait is simply the opposite side of the same coin that giftedness and divinity also live on. We just need to flip the coin. Here’s how.If you liked this episode you may also like We're Not All Designed to be Opinionated or We're Not All Design To Speak Our OpinionsDownload the 'Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE
Cord-cutting and Manifesting Love with Chris Corsini
I am so thrilled to share this conversation with one of my favourite follows on Instagram - Chris Corsini! He shares such practical advice on how to cut cords, manifest Love, and support our Spiritual Awakening. I love how Chris is so intelligent and nuanced yet really grounds it into daily grounded tips anyone can apply. I hope it serves you so well 💖USE JENNA22 for 22% off Chris’ Calling in Love Workshop Take Chris' Cord Cutting WorkshopTo follow Chris Corsini on Instagram click HERETo learn more about Chris' work click HEREDownload the 'Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE
Is it Anxiety or is it Misalignment?
Anytime we feel anxious or off, we tend to think there’s something wrong with us. But what if our bodies are actually really good energy readers and they give us these unpleasant feelings to show us when something is out of alignment? Instead of thinking we’re doing Life wrong, what if these are the signs that help us redirect and Re-Align ourselves as we go along on our journey? Let's talk about it.Download the 'Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google PlayGet your free Human Design Chart on our website To follow us on Instagram click HERETo connect with Jenna Zoe click HERETo connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE
About Align with Jenna Zoe: The Human Design Podcast
Becoming Who You Came Here to Be is the adventure of a lifetime.
You have your own Essence, and your unique instruction manual on how you are meant to paint it on this canvas called Life.
Alignment is when you choose thoughts and actions that reflect that essence, so that you become your Real Self more and more each day.
We are all so different, and yet we’re still acting like there’s one way to do life. Let’s talk about it.
For a detailed description of your own Essence, how you're designed, look up your design or on 'Align: The Human Design App' in the App Store and on Google Play.