Listen to riveting life stories shared by a diverse array of individuals, guided by Ian Bick whose own stint in federal prison offers a unique viewpoint as host...
Retired Police Captain Shares Raw & Unfiltered Stories from Corrections, Narcotics & Patrol | John Reilly
John Reilly, a retired police captain, shares stories from his 35-year career in law enforcement. He discusses his experiences working in corrections, narcotics operations, and patrol, providing a detailed look at the challenges and responsibilities of each role. John reflects on the lessons he learned, the realities of the job, and the impact it had on his life. This conversation offers a straightforward and honest perspective on a lifetime of service in law enforcement.
#PoliceStories #LawEnforcementLife #CorrectionsOfficer #NarcoticsOps #PatrolDuty #TrueCrimeStories #PoliceCaptain #BehindTheBadge
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Hosted, Executive Produced & Edited By Ian Bick:
Presented by Tyson 2.0 & Wooooo Energy:
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00:00:00 Insights from Both Sides: Incarceration and Law Enforcement Dynamics
00:05:56 Challenges of Being a Correctional Officer
00:12:15 Navigating Perceptions and Trust in Corrections
00:17:50 Transition to the Drug Task Force
00:23:33 The Challenges of Handling Snitches and Heroin Addicts
00:29:10 Federal vs. State Charges: The Stakes of Conspiracy
00:35:11 Managing Overcrowding in Jails
00:41:05 Life-Changing Experience with a Troubling Case
00:46:43 Breaking the News: Impact on a Child
00:52:23 The Harsh Realities of Drug Addiction
00:57:52 The Complexity of Resentencing Decisions
01:03:35 Intimidation and Extortion in Prison
01:09:10 Embracing Positivity and Friendships
01:14:26 Navigating Trust and Personal Boundaries
01:21:00 Importance of Titles and Ranks in Law Enforcement
01:25:56 The Challenges of Working in Corrections
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Ex-Cartel Drug Runner Reveals How She Escaped the Life & Became a Prison Chaplain | Jody Tripp
Jody Tripp shares her story of running drugs for the cartel and how she managed to avoid prison despite the risks and consequences of her actions. Jody explains how she walked away from that dangerous life, changed her path, and ultimately found purpose as a prison chaplain. This conversation explores the choices that helped her turn her life around and her journey toward helping others find hope and redemption.
#ExDrugRunner #CartelStories #PrisonChaplain #RedemptionJourney #TrueCrimeStories #CartelLife #LifeAfterCrime #PrisonMinistry
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Hosted, Executive Produced & Edited By Ian Bick:
Presented by Tyson 2.0 & Wooooo Energy:
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00:00:00 Meet Jody: Chaplain and Podcast Listener
00:04:06 Childhood Struggles and Family Dynamics
00:08:06 Overcoming a Violent Past in School
00:12:15 A Wild Past and Racing Cars
00:16:35 Border Smuggling Stories and Risks
00:21:00 Life in Connection with the Cartel
00:25:18 From Witchcraft to Seminary: A Personal Journey
00:29:17 Unveiling Family Secrets and Childhood Impact
00:34:19 The Role of a Prison Chaplain
00:38:00 The Power of Forgiveness and Self-Worth
00:42:14 Redemption and the Path to Becoming a Chaplain
00:46:14 Reflections on Injustice in the System
00:50:12 A Startling Incident in Prison
00:54:31 Witchcraft and Personal Experiences
00:58:19 Dangers and Challenges of Horse Riding
01:02:55 Revealing the Past to a Partner
01:05:44 Elon Musk's Starlink Initiative
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Ex-Inmate Exposes the BRUTAL Reality of Rikers Island in the Early 2000s | Ness
Ness shares his experience of being incarcerated at Rikers Island during the early 2000s. He talks about the daily struggles, the unspoken rules, and the harsh conditions inmates faced. Ness provides a firsthand account of what life was really like behind the walls of one of the most infamous jails in the country. This conversation offers a look into the challenges and realities of surviving Rikers Island.
#RikersIsland #PrisonReality #LifeBehindBars #TrueCrimeStories #PrisonSurvival #RikersInmate #BrutalTruth #JusticeSystem
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Hosted, Executive Produced & Edited By Ian Bick:
Presented by Tyson 2.0 & Wooooo Energy:
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00:00:00 Introduction and Early Days on YouTube
00:07:31 Early Days in the Game
00:15:08 High School Robbery Incident
00:22:54 First Experience in Jail Mode
00:30:39 Daily Struggles and Violence in the Northside House
00:38:01 Escaping Danger in Prison
00:45:15 Life Inside Rikers Island: Dehumanization and Violence
00:52:21 Lessons from Rikers Island
01:00:00 Life Behind Bars: Halloween Arrest and Robbery Stories
01:09:18 Surviving Rikers Island: Life and Challenges
01:14:43 Life in a Tense Correctional Facility
01:22:21 Life Inside Maximum Security
01:29:53 Violations on Parole and Consequences
01:39:03 Challenges with the Justice System
01:46:12 Indictment in the Projects
01:52:21 Life Reflection and Personal Growth
01:59:37 Inspiring the Youth: From Struggle to Strength
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Wrongfully Convicted of a Violent Crime: My 3-Year Nightmare in NY State Prison | Edgar Asencio
Edgar Asencio shares his experience of being wrongfully convicted of a violent crime and serving three years in a New York State prison. Edgar discusses the events that led to his conviction, the challenges he faced while incarcerated, and the impact this experience had on his life. This conversation sheds light on the flaws in the justice system and the resilience required to navigate such an ordeal.
#WrongfulConviction #InnocentBehindBars #NYStatePrison #ViolentCrime #TrueCrimeStories #JusticeSystemFailure #PrisonSurvival #lifebehindbars
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Connect with Edgar Asencio:
Email: [email protected]
Hosted, Executive Produced & Edited By Ian Bick:
Presented by Tyson 2.0 & Wooooo Energy:
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00:00:00 Life Growing Up in Bushwick, Brooklyn
00:04:25 Navigating GED and Vocational Training Challenges
00:08:26 Navigating School Challenges and Skipping Strategies
00:12:46 Reflecting on Youthful Mischief and Environment
00:17:12 Growing Up with Mischief
00:21:10 Unjust Accusation and Arrest Encounter
00:25:10 Co-Charged Encounter and Trial Strategy
00:29:33 Accusations and Misunderstandings in Court
00:33:42 The Challenges of Proving Innocence in Court
00:38:06 Verdict Day: Mixed Emotions in Court
00:42:45 Wrongful Conviction in the Pre-Digital Age
00:46:31 Navigating the Prison System: From Arrest to Incarceration
00:50:54 Life Inside Prison: Stories and Lessons
00:54:37 Lessons from Past Mistakes: Guidance for the Next Generation
00:59:02 From Assistant to District Manager: A 12-Year Retail Journey
01:03:12 Impact of Felony Records on Employment and Housing
01:07:28 Clearing My Name and Preventing Future Accusations
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Ian Bick Reveals How He Owned a Nightclub at 18, Got Arrested by the FBI, & Survived Federal Prison
Ian Bick sits down with HBO and Netflix producer Jed Lipinski to share his story in a raw, unfiltered, and candid way. Ian discusses becoming a nightclub owner at just 18, the choices that led to his arrest by the FBI for running a Ponzi scheme, and his time in federal prison.
#IanBick #TrueCrimeStories #FBIArrest #PonziScheme #NightclubOwner #PrisonSurvival #RiseAndFall #rawandunfiltered
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Hosted, Executive Produced & Edited By Ian Bick:
Connect with Jed Lipinski:
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Presented by Tyson 2.0 & Wooooo Energy:
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00:00:00 Growing Up in Danbury, Connecticut
00:16:52 Mischievous Plan: Insulating Spray Foam Prank
00:33:52 Launching a Prom and School Dance Business
00:50:54 Launching Teen Rave Nights
01:08:20 Unexpected Business Ventures
01:26:00 The Start of a Risky Business Endeavor
01:42:09 A Series of Unfortunate Concert Failures
02:00:00 Gambling Away the Fortune
02:15:12 Accusations and the Turning Tide
02:31:36 Legal Disputes and Public Perception
02:48:02 Navigating the Trial: The Importance of Presenting Your Case
03:04:26 Arrest and Courtroom Experience
03:20:01 Navigating Sentencing and Plea Deals
03:35:30 Navigating Prison Hierarchies at Fort Dicks
03:51:24 Journey through the Prison System
04:07:16 The Beginning of the Storytelling Journey
04:22:49 Podcast Growth and New Season Insights
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Creative direction, design, assets, support by FWRD:
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Listen to riveting life stories shared by a diverse array of individuals, guided by Ian Bick whose own stint in federal prison offers a unique viewpoint as host. In his captivating show, Ian connects with people from all walks of life, spanning former inmates, recovering addicts, law enforcement officers, legal experts, mental health specialists and those who've weathered traumatic experiences and failure. Through heartfelt dialogues, these resilient souls unveil their journeys, revealing the unyielding human spirit amid adversity. From confronting darkness to surmounting setbacks, their stories kindle hope, strength, and profound transformation, underscoring the limitless potential within each of us to overcome life's trials.