There are places where the world’s most gruesome crimes have led to years, decades, and sometimes even centuries of supernatural activity, the victims seemingly...
Hosted and Narrated by Jon GrilzFeaturing voice actors: Owen McCuen, Danielle Hewitt, Michelle Kane, Geoff Sturtevant, Drew Blood and Nate DuFortScript Written by Jeff WhiteheadMusic and Production by N.M. Brown
The Hammersmith Ghost
We have a stellar cast this evening. Host Jon Grilz is joined by Nate DuFort, Joe Stofko, Michelle Kane, Drew Blood, Steve Taylor, Geoff Sturtevant and SK Brown.
The Lizzie Borden House
Narration by Jon Grilz (Featuring Danielle Hewitt and NateDuFort)Script by Jeff WhiteheadIntro and Outro Music by Brandon BooneProduced by Natalie Brown
Join us as we peek into the darkest times of famous architect Franklin Lloyd Wright's life- a time of love, adultery, vengeance... and MURDER.
The Lumber Baron Inn
Narration by Jon Grilz (Featuring Owen McCuen and Gerald Hill)Script by Jeff WhiteheadIntro and Outro Music by Brandon BooneProduced by Natalie Brown
There are places where the world’s most gruesome crimes have led to years, decades, and sometimes even centuries of supernatural activity, the victims seemingly reaching out from beyond the grave for justice. Those places are in Creepy Places: A True Crime Podcast, and I am your host, Jon Grilz. Our journey will take us across the world from the Carpathian Mountains to the heartland of the United States and through six centuries of true crime. The echoes of these crimes can still be heard in the buildings in which they occurred, the objects used in each kill, and in the pop culture legacy they have left behind. Many of our tales are now the stuff of legend, passed down from generation to generation. Others are so fresh the blood is not yet even dry. New episodes every other week. Join Jon Grilz in these Creepy Places if you dare...