Weekly Skews, hosted by Trae Crowder and Mark Agee, is a new comedy podcast that offers a redneck and working class perspective from the Left on the week's news...
Weekly Skews – 12/17/24 – The Medieval Peasant Drone Panic
There’s stuff in the sky! Run! Hide! Shoot at it! Or say it’s aliens. Or that it’s government-run fake aliens? Or call for war with Iran because passenger jets have blinking lights? The important thing is that you, as a freeborn American, have options. Join us.Support the show
Weekly Skews – 12/10/24 – Insurance Shooter Caught; and Planning a Trillion Dollar Crypto Heist
Howdy. They caught the UHC shooter and yeah it’s kinda what we all thought, but also weirder (in his normalness). Plus, Trump 2’s plan to steal the gold in the federal reserve with computer money… explained, obviously, by the latest doins of the Hawk Tuah girl.Support the show
Weekly Skews – 12/03/24 – Q. Edgar Hoover
Tonight we’re talking about how a children’s author who thinks QAnon is real maybe shouldn’t be put in charge of the FBI. Plus, Joe sprung Hunter from the hoosegow and Hunter didn’t even have to tunnel out Shawshank-style.Support the show
Weekly Skews – 11/26/24 – D.O.G.E. and the Clownocracy
Skewers, this week we discuss the grand, ambitious, totally-not-dumb-and-infeasible designs that Elon and Vivek have for the federal government through their shiny new Department of Government Efficiency. Spoiler: it’s not great. Join us. Support the show
Weekly Skews – 11/19/24 – Cabinet of Curiosities
Tonight, we talk about the latest news in Hell’s waiting room, mainly how Trump’s terrifying cabinet nominees are basically all examples of America’s elite accountability crisis. Plus, fun with punching influencers, and there’s apparently a committee to invade Mexico? Probably fine. Join usSupport the show
Weekly Skews, hosted by Trae Crowder and Mark Agee, is a new comedy podcast that offers a redneck and working class perspective from the Left on the week's news, politics, and culture.