Watch Out for Fireballs! is a game club podcast that covers video games from every era, from retro to newer releases, indie to AAA. Each week we dive deep into ...
Why? This is the question of religion. Also, how, what, huh, whazzat and bwuh? But how do video games handle these questions religiously? Join us, as we explore this mystery.
Upcoming Games:
-Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (Rerun)
-The Suffering
-Satisfactory (Kole and Ben Merkle)
-Resident Evil 6 (Two-parter)
-Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies
WOFF 471 Preview: Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
It's not quite a blobber and it's quite an Ultima, so what is it? Might and Magic is a huge series and number 6 is a strange entry. You can recruit townspeople, tanks are pointless, and there are dungeons scattered about the map like litter. Join us, won't you?
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What do video games and religion have in common? The points don't matter! INDIKA is a walking-sim adjacent indie adventure game that is largely a vehicle for philosophical debates. You might think that sounds a little pretentious, but the writing is actually stellar and we encourage everyone to check this out.
469: Hammerfight
Have you ever wonder what it would be like to be a pilot who also had to juggle? That's the kind of hard hitting question Hammerfight tries to answer.
WOFF Dispatch: Oops! All Questions 6
I know we ask for the asks, but the asks just don't stop coming.
Upcoming Games:
* Hammerfight
* Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
* Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (Rerun)
* Rygar
* The Suffering
Watch Out for Fireballs! is a game club podcast that covers video games from every era, from retro to newer releases, indie to AAA. Each week we dive deep into the game's mechanics and narrative to figure out what works and what doesn't. Hosted by Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross, this show has been going since 2011. New episodes every Thursday. For full versions of our premium episodes, back us at!