The Kirk Minihane Show is a podcast from America's most talented on-air personality, featuring Minihane's raw, uncensored commentary on sports, politics, cultur...
Ryan Whitney is in-studio taking calls after a wild episode of The Unnamed Show recapping Surviving Barstool. Francis calls in and tells a crazy Mintzy story. Klemmer confirms he was awful to be around after getting kicked off Surviving Barstool, calls and more.You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
Swingin' At The Air
Josh, James & Cinema in-studio. Kirk reacts to last night's Surviving Barstool episode where Francis was confused about a ruling at the end of the show (00:01:00). Will Compton says he's swingin' at the air over Surviving (00:06:50). Kirk speaks directly to his Reddit Sisters following Dave Portnoy's comments on Barstool Pick Em (00:20:40). The Maine Wire covers the Brianna Chickenfry/Grace O'Malley drama (00:30:25). Kirk and Dave had a discussion last night about The Case's future (00:32:25). A former caller to the show re-emerges as someone else on Zolak and Bertrand (00:38:40). Josh and James brought two games that were just basic trivia (00:47:00). Pat Ford's Twitter account is unhinged lately (01:02:03). Justin says he has never paid for a one-on-one with Gemma Wren (01:22:40). An argument ensues about seeing your penis while you masturbate (01:24:20).You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
Seeded In Positivity
Blind Mike and Johnny in-studio. Mike was in a mood before the show (00:03:45). If Tomiko Itooka passes away, Mut is back (00:12:40). Grace O'Malley is leaving Barstool Sports (00:15:20). Kirk says Play It Again Sports Guy is a grump (00:22:38). Coleman hits back at an old Tim Fax tweet (00:23:50). Chris Russo rants about Chirstmas games on Netflix (00:25:50). Dave got suckered into a new TV that's listening to everything he does (00:30:00). Bill Belichick's first few days at UNC and he's asking Pat McAfee to do College Gameday from campus (00:35:30). Johnny brought a baseball trivia game (00:49:40). A Supreme Court Justice is living out a dream on Broadway (01:00:20). Johnny has some sources about Juan Soto's age (01:16:20). Kirk offers to go on BFF’s podcast. Chris Klemmer calls in to discuss his love of Funspot (01:36:30).You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
No Legwork
Blind Mike and Play It Again Sports Dave in-studio. Kirk is not happy with Montante after defending the Lexington Police on Menners Live (00:01:00). Fax thought he had to move to Boston to intern for the show (00:08:10). Fallout from Unnamed on Friday (00:11:00). Menners was upset with Kirk and producers over the phone call with Lexington Police last week (00:17:00). Kirk's tweet saying "terrible pick" after Ben Herbstreit was named Mascot of Year in the Herbie Awards (00:19:00). Duke Lacrosse Accuser admits she lied (00:25:30). Play It Again Dave's wife is only interested in the Diddy story (00:27:30). KFC bets his career on some random AI content technology (00:31:15). Most Disappointing & Comeback Minifan of the Year Awards are given out (00:49:00). Jeff D Lowe calls in (00:58:00). Kirk thinks the producers should have reached out to discuss how they should handle the raffle winner and delays the Minifan of the Year announcement (00:58:40). Chris Rock's monologue on SNL (01:29:00). A possible venue for the night before the Laconia live show emerges (01:51:00). Justin refuses to watch the new Star Wars show because it will end (01:58:00).You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
All The Way To The End
Kirk addresses being temporarily fired by Dave Portnoy. Recapping Week 2 of Surviving Barstool & calls.You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
The Kirk Minihane Show is a podcast from America's most talented on-air personality, featuring Minihane's raw, uncensored commentary on sports, politics, culture, and things that matter. There is no show like this show.You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
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