Hitch is Sad, MaNiac is Mad, and FormaL is Insane | The Flycast Ep. 140
OpTic Gaming Merch: https://shop.opticgaming.com/Check out the OpTic SCUF collection and use code “OpTic” for a discount: https://scuf.co/OpTicCheck out the OpTic Podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/optic-podcast/id1542810047https://open.spotify.com/show/25iPKftrl0akOZKqS0wHQG
Rehab, Apex Legends and Daltoosh | The Flycast Ep. 139
This week we have @Daltoosh on the Flycast! OpTic Gaming Merch: https://shop.opticgaming.com/Check out the OpTic SCUF collection and use code “OpTic” for a discount: https://scuf.co/OpTicCheck out the OpTic Podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/optic-podcast/id1542810047https://open.spotify.com/show/25iPKftrl0akOZKqS0wHQG00:00 Intro 12:00 Toosh Rehab 23:00 Cruise 28:00 Drinking42:00 The Race Stream 59:00 Daltoosh Stream & Content currently 1:09:00 Watch Parties in Apex, Blacklisted 1:17:00 Future of Toosh Content Rehab, Apex Legends and Daltoosh |The Flycast Ep. 139
Why Crimsix Hated The Scuf House | The Flycast Ep. 138
OpTic Gaming Merch: https://shop.opticgaming.com/Check out the OpTic SCUF collection and use code “OpTic” for a discount: https://scuf.co/OpTicCheck out the OpTic Podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/optic-podcast/id1542810047https://open.spotify.com/show/25iPKftrl0akOZKqS0wHQGWhy Crimsix Hated The Scuf House | The Flycast Ep. 13800:00 Sim Racing vs Real Life 13:30 Bungie.Net & Halo Ranked Play 29:10 How Did Crimsix Get Into Esports/Gaming35:00 The Worst CoD of all time 43:30 Tournament Placings, MaNiaC on Mutineers 50:00 MaNiaC Apartment 54:30 When did Crim get into cars 1:06:00 Crimsix retiring 1:12:00 Pranking MaNiaC1:18:00 The worst thing to happen at the Scuf House 1:20:00 Content vs Pro Play
The Full Story of Pred Rejoining OpTic | The Flycast Ep. 137
Get Your Major 2 Tickets here: https://opticgaming.com/event/major-iiOpTic Gaming Merch: https://shop.opticgaming.com/Check out the OpTic SCUF collection and use code “OpTic” for a discount: https://scuf.co/OpTicCheck out the OpTic Podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/optic-podcast/id1542810047https://open.spotify.com/show/25iPKftrl0akOZKqS0wHQGThe Full Story of Pred Rejoining OpTic | The Flycast Ep. 13700:00 Pred returns to Texas 03:00 Hair Genetics 06:45 Scrims & Australian players10:00 Brothers in esports 16:00 Was Pred nervous to come back?28:30 Pred Aura 40:00 Favorite Event and locations 58:00 Pred’s Mental
MaNiac Takes A Girlfriend Test | The Flycast Ep. 136
OpTic Gaming Merch: https://shop.opticgaming.com/Check out the OpTic SCUF collection and use code “OpTic” for a discount: https://scuf.co/OpTicCheck out the OpTic Podcast here:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/optic-podcast/id1542810047https://open.spotify.com/show/25iPKftrl0akOZKqS0wHQG MaNiac Takes A Girlfriend Test | The Flycast Ep. 136