SmartLess Presents ClueLess is a bite-sized, biweekly podcast (10-12 minutes an episode), in which our host, Emmy-winning writer Elliott Kalan, guides the liste...
On this episode of ClueLess, host Elliott Kalan and constant contestant Sean Hayes invite Sean’s good friend Jeff Max to tackle a new round of an old favorite - It’s A Numbers Game! This time, Elliott will be giving you simple math equations in the form of famous song titles with the numbers removed, can you solve the clues faster than Sean and Jeff, and can you answer in the form of a song title? Keep track of your answers to solve the MegaClue! New episodes every Monday and Thursday.Puzzles in this episode are by Devon Torrey Bryant and Kevin Leman.Script by Elliott Kalan.Music and sound effects by Devon Torrey Bryant.
137 - Word Workout (w/ Jeff Max)
On this episode of ClueLess, host Elliott Kalan and constant contestant Sean Hayes invite Sean’s good friend Jeff Max to hit the gym for Word Workout! Each of the words we give you wants to slim down by one letter, and the remaining letters can be rearranged to answer the given clue. Keep track of all discarded letters to defeat the MegaClue! New episodes every Monday and Thursday.Puzzles in this episode are by Josh Richmond.Script by Elliott Kalan.Music and sound effects by Devon Torrey Bryant.
136 - Bizarro Concert Guide (w/ Jeff Max)
On this episode of ClueLess, host Elliott Kalan and constant contestant Sean Hayes invite Sean’s good friend, actor Jeff Max, to contend with a new twist on an old game - Bizarro Concert Guide! A copy of this week’s concert schedule has fallen into Elliott’s possession from an alternate universe where things are pretty opposite, can you make heads or tails of these band names, and translate them back into our world? New episodes every Monday and Thursday.Puzzles in this episode are by Jason Reich and Kevin Leman.Script by Elliott Kalan.Music and sound effects by Devon Torrey Bryant.
135 - State Of Confusion (w/ Carrie Aizley)
On this episode of ClueLess, host Elliott Kalan and constant contestant Sean Hayes welcome Sean’s good friend Carrie Aizley back for another tour through State Of Confusion! Elliott’s been traveling around these United States, and he’ll give you a brief clue describing his trip; find one letter to drop between the postal abbreviations of the states he mentions to solve it. Keep track of all the letters you add, you’ll need them for the MegaClue! New episodes every Monday and Thursday.Puzzles in this episode are by Jason Reich and Kevin Leman.Script by Elliott Kalan, additional material by Maddie McCann.Music and sound effects by Devon Torrey Bryant.
134 - Bot Bops (w/ Carrie Aizley)
On this episode of ClueLess, host Elliott Kalan and constant contestant Sean Hayes welcome back Sean’s good friend Carrie Aizley to tangle once again with Bot Bops! Elliott’s non-branded digital assistant will regale you with five famous hits in its own cold, inhuman style, name the song for one point and the artist for another point! Keep track of your answers in order to solve the MegaClue! New episodes every Monday and Thursday.Puzzles in this episode are by Kevin Leman and Jason Reich, with Devon Torrey Bryant.Script by Elliott Kalan.Music and sound effects by Devon Torrey Bryant.
SmartLess Presents ClueLess is a bite-sized, biweekly podcast (10-12 minutes an episode), in which our host, Emmy-winning writer Elliott Kalan, guides the listener through different puzzles, brainteasers, & conundrums to see if they’re faster than this season's contestant Sean Hayes!