True Crime is more than blood, guts, mayhem, and murder. Zaron Burnett and Elizabeth Dutton share outlandish tales of capers, heists, and cons that shine a ligh...
Is it so bad to want to run? And is it so bad to want to do it in high school? Well, it sure is if you're 25 years old and faking your identity. James Hogue did just that. And then did it again under another identity in college. Baby, he was born to run. See for privacy information.
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From the Casebook of Bob Nygaard, Psychic Detective
Bob Nygaard, a former NYPD detective turned private investigator is a real gumshoe's gumshoe. Like he stepped off the pages of a noir detective novel, the snap-brim fedora-wearing P.I. is the man folks call when a phony psychic fleeces them out of a fortune. And Bob Nygaard, psychic detective, gets them justice.See for privacy information.
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Eternal Sunshine of the Meatless Mind: Sarma Melngailis
She was a vegan restauranteur looking for meaning in her expanding empire. He was a man who said he could make dogs live forever. Together, they made for one of the most toxic relationships we've ever seen. And along the way, they managed to drain her business coffers and stiff some workers. They put the "well, that sucks" in wellness.See for privacy information.
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A Solar-Powered Con Artist: Jeff Carpoff
He was not an engineer, nor was he an inventor, instead he was a failed car mechanic. But Jeff Carpoff didn't let that stop him from creating a billion dollar business based on his invention: a portable solar generator. It worked, kinda... and that was all he needed to run his solar-powered con that roped in a really powerful sucker named President Obama. See for privacy information.
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The Art of Forgery: Art Williams Jr.
Let's face it, counterfeiting is an art. It takes serious talent and skill. So it should come as no surprise that the best counterfeiter in the land is also a fantastic artist. To say Art Williams, Jr. has lived a surprising and ridiculous life is an understatement. Print yourself a five dollar bill, buy some popcorn, and settle in!See for privacy information.
True Crime is more than blood, guts, mayhem, and murder. Zaron Burnett and Elizabeth Dutton share outlandish tales of capers, heists, and cons that shine a light on the absurd and outrageous side of criminality. Always 99% murder-free and 100% ridiculous, this is Ridiculous Crime, a podcast by iHeartRadio.