When Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday it forced the crowd to answer the question of "Who is He?". In the same way, we must answer that question today. Christ is in controlThe crowd desired to control ChristYou must conclude who Jesus is Life Group Discussion:In what areas of your life do you struggle to trust that Jesus is in control? How can you surrender those to Him?In what ways do people today try to fit Jesus into their own agendas instead of following Him as Lord?How does your view of Jesus impact the way you live your daily life?
The Enemy Desensitzes
Sin gradually desensitizes us, making what once felt wrong seem normal, which is exactly how Satan works to separate us from God. Ephesians 4 warns that when we give ourselves over to sin, we become aimless, hardened, and blind to its destruction, ultimately giving the enemy a foothold in our lives. Nate reminds us that as Christians, we are called to reject sin, pursue sanctification, and immerse ourselves in God's truth to fully embrace the life He desires for us. Sin Makes you senselessChristians part with sin to pursue sanctificationSin gives Satan a space in Christ's place Life Group Discussion:What are some warning signs that you might be drifting toward spiritual numbness?How can accountability within a community help us in the process of sanctification?What steps can you take this week to remove sin’s foothold and invite Christ into every area of your life?
As we continue our series, “State of Warfare”, JP looks to 1 Timothy 4:1-10, explaining the enemy’s mission to “abandon the faith” by causing believers to doubt and turn away from God. He highlights the enemy’s method of replacing a genuine relationship with God with rigid rules, leading to spiritual emptiness. JP encourages believers to stay motivated by building a faith that lasts, rooted in gratitude, prayer, and steadfast trust in Jesus. The enemy’s mission: Get you to “abandon the faith” The enemy’s method: Get you to replace relationship with rulesOur motivation: To build a faith that lasts Life Group Discussion:Can you share a time when you felt tempted to give up on your faith? How did you respond?How can legalism affect your personal connection with God and others? How does gratitude play a role in strengthening your faith journey?
Don’t be Deceived
Pastor Nate emphasizes that true freedom is found in abiding in Jesus' teachings, as God's truth breaks the chains of sin. He warns that Satan, the father of lies, seeks to deceive and destroy, leading people toward spiritual death. Ultimately, Nate reminds us that who we listen to determines who we belong to—either we follow God’s truth and find life, or we believe Satan’s lies and remain in bondage. God’s truth leads to freedomSatan’s lies lead to deathWho you listen to is who you belong to Life Group Discussion:How can we ensure we are actively listening to and applying God's truth daily?In what ways have you seen deception negatively impact relationships, faith, or personal growth?What influences in your life are shaping the way you think and believe?
Suffering by Satan is Shaping by God
Pastor John talks about spiritual battles, explaining that struggles—whether from life, our own choices, or Satan—challenge our faith. Using 2 Corinthians 12, he shows how Paul’s hardships made him rely on God even more. In the end, trusting God through tough times makes us stronger and brings Him glory. Satan seeks to destroy you through sufferingGod shapes you in suffering We glorify God by trusting in the suffering Life Group Discussion:How have you seen suffering challenge your faith or the faith of others?Why do you think God allows suffering if He loves us?How can our response to suffering be a testimony to others?